403 16 9

tw! food, use of alcohol, cursing, mention of s*x, mention of homophobia, hickeys

october 14th, 2022

locking arms, dal sighed, wooseok in the middle between him and eunjoo. "why are we going out?" wooseok asked, eunjoo laughing. "we need to get out and spend time together!" "and drink." dal said, wooseok laughing. "i'm so tired." he said, eunjoo pulling the three into a restaurant.

"hello." the host said, dal speaking for the three of them. "table for three." "come this way!" they said, sitting the group at an empty table. "wow, all of these look so good." wooseok said, looking over the menu. quickly ordering, dal smiled, pouring himself a glass of white wine. "ooh this tastes good." swirling the liquid in the glass, wooseok took a sip, sighing. "this is nice."

happily looking at each other, dal received his plate, waiting for his friend's food before eating. "oh my god." eunjoo smiled, swallowing her bite of food. "this is amazing." dal groaned, pattering his foot. "i love this!" wooseok smiled.

a genuine smile.

the three gobbled down their meal, happy and content smiles on their faces. "should we-?" "second meal? yes." dal and wooseok said, eunjoo laughing. "how much longer on the tour?" wooseok asked, dal sipping his wine. "like two months? "ugh!"

holding wooseok's hand, dal grabbed his second plate, taking a bite. "i love this place. we're never leaving." wooseok said, dal nodding. "eunjoo let's quit our jobs and move here to work at this restaurant." "agreed."

finishing his plate, eunjoo called for the check, dal getting the last drip from the wine glass. "let's go?" wooseok asked, eunjoo nodding. "should we go to a bar?" "yes yes that sounds smart." checking the reciept, eunjoo grabbed her card, moving to the front of the room.


sitting against the bar, dal took another shot, the alcohol burning his throat. "this is nice alcohol." wooseok said, drinking his cocktail. eunjoo took a sip from her drink, a glass of water next to the sweet liquid.

dal took shot after shot, his head buzzing and swirling around. "eugh i feel sick." he groaned, putting the side of his face on the bar. "aw sorry baby." wooseok said, grabbing his hand. "should you stop drinking then?" eunjoo said, watching the two interact. "no i'm having fun."

grabbing wooseok's cocktail, dal took a quick sip, nodding. "you're right this is good." "yep." "i-" dal said, his voice cutting out. "what dal?" "i don't remember." he slurred, wooseok chugging the last of his drink.

"wooseok!" eunjoo said, pulling the boy back from his collar. "what?" he whined, puckering his lips. "you're not kissing dal. we don't want people hurting us." "why won't you let wooseok kiss me? that's homophobia." dal slurred, leaning onto wooseok's shoulder. "let's go home."

standing up, dal pulled out his phone, looking through his contacts. "hello?" "mingyu!" dal said, stumbling against the wall. "are you okay?" "i-" laughing, dal fell, scraping his arm. "ow." "dal are you okay?" "i'm bleeding." he pouted, tears pricking his eyes.

"why does it hurt gyu?" he asked, water pouring down his cheek. "because you probably hurt yourself baby." "it really hurts." "are you drunk baby?" laughing, dal held his finger, tears drying. "i had a little to drink." "so a lot?"

"dal! come here!" eunjoo said, dal confused at the sound. "eunjoo?" he asked, his voice fading. "baby, go home with eunjoo." "okay." mingyu could hear the pout in his voice. "byebye." standing up, dal grabbed eunjoo's hand, the girl noticing blood on his hand.

"did you get hurt?" "yes." "oh i'm sorry. let's go."


fighting off his shirt, dal sat in his bed, head spinning. "i can't feel my feet." wooseok said, taking off his shoes. "i want to sleep." "wooseok, come here. i'm quarantining the drunkards." groaning, eunjoo pulled wooseok to her solo room, looking back at dal. "i'll be back for you in the morning."

picking up his phone, dal opened the messages between his and his boyfriend.



baby? are you okay?

enjxp and wsoek lft
can hu comr see mi

yes ofc baby!
i'll be right there

a knock on the door, dal stood up, stumbling to open it. "mingyu!" he slurred, falling into mingyu's arms. "woah, are you alright?" "i'm okay." "let's get you changed and to bed, okay?"

quickly pulling off dal's shirt, mingyu sat his boyfriend on the bed, running to the bathroom to get a wet cloth. "why did you drink so much?" mingyu asked, wiping down his torso. "i wanted to." he pouted, mingyu unbuttoning dal's pants, quickly pulling them down. "are you trying to fuck me?" dal asked, mingyu laughing. "no no baby. just making you feel comfy."

grabbing a pair of pajamas, mingyu struggled to pull them on dal, the boy wiggling around. "dal. stop moving." mingyu said, holding his hips down. "no!" he whined, mingyu hovering over him. "yoon dal." dal quickly connected their lips, mingyu caught by surprised.

"dal what are you doing?" "i want to kiss you!" dal moved to mingyu's neck, sucking on a spot. "dal. no hickeys." the boy didn't budge, mingyu plucking him off. sighing, dal finally got in his pajamas, mingyu laying next to him. "i want to kiss you because eunjoo didn't let me kiss wooseok!"

laughing, mingyu pecked his boyfriend's lips. "oh she's so so mean. but i can kiss you." nodding off, dal sat up, showing mingyu his hand. "and and look at my hand!" mingyu saw his bandaged palm, kissing it lightly. "i'm sorry baby."

the two smiled, mingyu brushing his boyfriend's hair. "you're really cute." mingyu whispered, dal pressing a kiss to his lips. "thank you." dal slurred, eyes closing. "sleep?" mingyu asked, dal frowning. "i don't get to see you much."

mingyu frowned, pecking their lips. "i'm sorry." "it's not you're fault." dal said, his voice fading out as he went to kiss mingyu's jaw. "no biting me! you're not a cat." mingyu said, dal pouting. "ugh sleep dal." "no!" dal frowned, eyes closing, starting to snore. "cute." mingyu whispered, pecking his forehead.

he admired his boyfriend for a minute, gently standing up, looking in the bathroom mirror. groaning, mingyu touched the light pink marks on his neck and jaw. "he's going to freak when he sees this."

and even with the two accidental hickeys and the drunk boy in the hotel bed, they were still so pretty in a way that showed their love.

words: 1066
not edited

i made this whole chapter up🤩
im tired
gn babess


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