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august 9th, 2022

"we're here!" dal smiled, hold on his suitcase. "finally. i hated that." wooseok shuddered, walking out from the gate. "all i know is we're in a country where we don't speak the language waiting for the rest of the crew to show up." walking through the airport, dal took out his phone and translator, trying to find their way to customs.

"oh it's this way. follow me." the trio walked down the escalator, smiling as they got into the line. "get your passports out." eunjoo said, dal pulling out the item from his bag. going up to the security guard, dal handed over the passport and his id, smiling as he received the stamp.

passing through the lines, dal grabbed wooseok's hand, eunjoo finding the way to the uber pick up. "does anyone have not shit english skills?" wooseok asked, eunjoo and dal shaking their hands. "oh fuck."

waiting at the side of the garage, dal scrolled through his phone, a message coming through his phone.




we just landed :(
im so tiredddd

me, wooseok, and eunjoo
are trying to get to the hotel

oh nicee
are you sharing with wooseok?


i wanna kiss you :/

i want to give you kisses
as well

can i come over :(
i need my daily dal time

sure bubs
wooseok and eunjoo are talking
about getting dinner so you can
come over then


"dal get off your phone and talk to me!" wooseok complained, shaking dal's arm. "the uber is almost here guys." eunjoo said, texting with her girlfriend.

wooseok's tortuing me :(
i gtg bubs :/

byebye :(((


mwua mwua

"come on toddlers." eunjoo said, walking toward the car pulling up in front of them. the trunk opened, dal putting the groups luggage in the car. sitting in the back with wooseok, dal happily chatting with him. "me and eunjoo are planning to get takeout. we'll probably find a nice restaurant to pick up from and bring it back."

the airport quickly fell away, dal putting in his airpods, listening to his keshi playlist. nodding off, he smiled as wooseok played with his hair.


sighing happily, dal fell back on his bed, suitcases by the dresser. "we're going to look around. do you want to join?" wooseok said, rubbing the skin on dal's exposed stomach. "i'm going to relax. bring me back food though." "bye angel!" he smiled, grabbing his wallet and phone before joining eunjoo outside.

pulling out his phone at the close of the door, he happily opened his messages.


ws and ej just lefttt

i get
to see my baby :(


cute ugh
whats the number?


ooh okok im running
hopefully no one sees me



there was a knock on the door, dal getting up from the bed and unlocking it quickly, mingyu jumping onto him. "dal!" "gyu wait!" shutting the door, dal smiled at mingyu's lips against his cheek. "baby." "hi bubs." "can i have a kiss?"

wrapping his arm around mingyu's neck, dal connected their lips, rocking back and forth. their lips moved slowly against each other, mingyu's comforting scent filling his nose. "hi." he giggled, the two falling onto the bed. "want to cuddle?" smiling brightly, dal stuck his head in the blanket, blushing brightly. "are you going to answer angel?" "i would love too."

getting under the blankets, dal cuddled into mingyu's chest, kissing his collarbone. "are you sleepy?" he asked, playing with dal's hair. "i want to nap but it'll mess up my sleep schedule." dal looked up at mingyu, glancing at his lips. pressing his lips against dal's, mingyu smiled softly at dal gently kissing back.

"cute." mingyu whispered, dal nuzzling into the crook of mingyu's neck, leaving multiple kisses on the gentle skin, getting shaky breaths to exit mingyu's mouth. "my angel." he whispered, rocking back and forth. "bub." he laughed, hugging mingyu tighter. "what?" "you're making me feel butterflies." "is that the only thing?"

laughing, mingyu drew hearts on the small of his back. lifting dal's chin, mingyu connected their lips once more. dal's phone started to ring, groaning as he picked the call up. "hey me and eunjoo are about to be back at the hotel with dinner." "okay," he said, mingyu leaving kisses on his neck and shoulders. "see you soon." "bye!"

"gyu, angel," he said, groaning at the small movements between each kiss. "hm?" mingyu smiled, kissing his cheek. "wooseok is coming back soon. you gotta go to your room." "ugh i don't want to leave you." "gyu." "fine." he said, getting out from under dal, tucking him with a kiss on his forehead.

"see you soon?" he said, dal nodding, connecting their lips quickly. dal frowned as mingyu left the room, taking in a deep breathe of mingyu's scent, closing his eyes.


august 10th, 2022

"hello?" dal asked, picking up the ringing phone. "good morning angel." the voice said, dal rubbing his eyes at the golden light in the room. "hello." he smiled, turning over. "how was your sleep?" "good. this bed is really comfy." "thats good." "how was your night?" letting out a sigh, mingyu continued speaking.

"good. i wish i could have been with you though." "i'm sorry angel." "it's not your fault baby. i'll see you tonight, okay?" "okay. byebye." "byebye dal."

hanging up, dal snuggled deeper into his bed, wooseok entering back in. "i feel like shit." he groaned, pulling up dal's blanket and entering the bed. "hi." he said, snuggling into dal's back. "are you alright?" "ah, just extremely stressed. i'll feel better soon." "want to talk about it?" he said, turning around to face wooseok. "not really." "is there anything you want?"

"a hug." smiling happily, dal ruffled wooseok's hair. "come here seok." wooseok moved over into dal's arms, cuddling into his chest. "thank you." he smiled, dal playing with his hair. "you're welcome wooseok."

the two sat in silence, wooseok drifting off. "let's sleep." he groaned, dal nodding. "okay." dal kissed his head, hearing the soft breaths from wooseok's mouth.

"you're so pretty. don't let someone tell you otherwise." the two drifted off together, the sunlight pouring through the curtains.

words: 1035
not edited

we started the tourrr
wooseok and dal & mingyu and dal
are cuties
i gotta sleep nowww
gn sunflowrs mwua mwua

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