The Morning After

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Victor woke up, legs intertwined with his fiancés. The sun beaming through the curtains, landing flawlessly on Benjis skin. The night before, the two had a long conversation about some of the things that were bothering Benji. One of the main things that came up was his insecurities. Some were about his body, others about his musical talent, but Victor was always there to make him feel better and last night was no different. Victor pointed out every detail of Benji he loved, kissing him all over, making Benji feel so warm inside. Those kisses turned into passionate love making between the two of them, something they haven't done in a while.

Victor pushed the hair out of Benjis face before leaving a small kiss on his forehead "I love you" he whispered and pulled the blanket off of himself and walked into the bathroom to do his business. After, he made his way downstairs to make breakfast for the two of them. He grabbed all the materials and started the cooking process, making sure to make Benji some extra sausages since he loved them so much. Meanwhile, Benji slowly awoke upstairs. He stretched in the bed, noticing Victor wasn't there, but the smell of his favorite breakfast was.

He got out of the bed, grabbing his underwear and a shirt before walking into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror, seeing the hickeys the were on his neck and chest. He smiled rubbing his hand over the one near his collarbone. He put his clothes on and rinsed his mouth out with some mouthwash before heading downstairs to find Victor "Good morning, baby face." Victor said, placing benjis food onto a plate before he turned to face the brunette "Did you sleep well?" Victor asked as Benji wrapped his arms around him "of course I did." He smiled, placing a kiss on his boyfriends neck "you look cute in just my shirt. You should walk around like this more often" Victor smirked, grabbing Benjis butt causing them both to giggle

"Come on. I made your favorite: Pancakes, eggs and sausages" he said grabbing both the plates and bringing them over to the table "this taste incredible!" Benji said, cutting up his pancakes "not as good you though" the two smirked at each other "you made me feel good about myself last night." Benji said "I'm glad. I put my whole heart and soul into those thrusts" Benji almost choked on his orange juice from laughter "how sweet of you." He said "I know. I'm such a sweet fiancé. Actually, I'm the best you've ever had." Victor said "definitely the best dick I've ever had." Victor put his hand on his chest as if he was offended "what about boyfriend wise?" he asked "you'll always be my number one." The two smiled, interlocking hands from across the table.

They finished eating. Cleaned up and went back upstairs where Benji got right back into bed "Benji. You gotta get ready for the day. We're going to my moms house today so we can plan our wedding, remember?" victor told him "babe, please. A half hour at least" he whined, giving victor puppy dog eyes. Victor rolled his eyes and gave in. He got back in the bed with his lover, slowly threading his fingers though Benjis hair as the two snuggled up together.

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