Dad and I support you 100%

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"Kids! Come downstairs! Dad is making breakfast!" Benji yelled up the steps for their 3 kids Ace [8], Alora [11], and Bonnie [14]. The three siblings came running down the steps. They loved victors cooking, he was a great chef on top of being a great basketball player "Daddy, what are you making?" Ace asked "French toast" he answered tiredly. "Go sit down guys." Benji said. Two went to sit on the couch but Bonnie stayed "Papa?" she said "Yes, Love?" He replied, taking out plates from the cabinet "I think we should talk after breakfast." She said, worry laced in her voice "Of something wrong?" her father asked "No, No, No. nothing wrong...I just really need to get this on my chest." She said, her parents nodded "We'll come to your room after we finished cleaning up from breakfast, deal?" He told his daughter "deal"

The family ate breakfast together, talking about their plans for the weekend. Benji and Ace cleaned together like they always do. As they finished, Victor noticed Bonnie, walk upstairs. The father was anxious about what the conversation could be about "Ace, go watch TV with your sister. Papa and I are going to go talk to Bonnie." He smiled at the 6-year-old. He nodded happily and skipped into the Living room "What does she want to talk about?" Victor asked, meeting his husband at the steps "I'm not sure, but obviously she's nervous so try not to say anything horrible." He nodded and they walked upstairs to her room "Bonnie?" Benji said, walking into her room "Dad!, come in. Sit down." Benji sat next to Bonnie on the bed while Victor sat on her desk chair "What's up, love" Victor asked "I...I've been thinking about it for a while. Like a long time. Maybe since I was a kid. It's really been bothering me that I haven't been able to express myself properly. Guys, I...I think I'm transgender." The two parents looked at each other "Trans?" Benji smiled "Well, that's cool. Is there anything we can do to make you feel more comfortable? A new name? Pronouns?" He asked "Jasper is my new name. He/him pronouns." The boy said "Jasper...what a nice name for my handsome boy" Victor said, getting up to hug his now son "Aww, look at how cute you two are." Benji said

"if it makes you more comfortable. I think you should know that I'm also transgender." Benji said "What? No, you aren't!" Jasper said "I am. That's how I was able to get pregnant with you three. I was born female, I started transitioning when I was young. I got top surgery when I turned 19. I've been happy as ever ever since." Her son smiled at her "Dad, can I talk to Papa alone, please?" He asked "Yeah, yeah of course. I'll get the other two ready, we have shopping to do today." He left the room, closing the door on his way out "It's cool that your trans as well" he told his dad "It's cool that you are as well. Dad and I support you 100%." He said, placing a kiss on his forehead "We love you no matter what" She wrapped an arm around him " want a haircut? I know you just got one, but is there another styles you want?" She asked "No...I really like this cut, it makes me feel manly" he replied "What about clothes? Oh my gosh! Jasper! We need to go on a shopping spree today!" His dad exclaimed, making him giggle "Sounds great." He said "Good. Get ready!"

Benji went downstairs and saw his youngest tying his shoes  "Papa! I'm doing it!" He smiled "I see! I'm proud of you, baby" he exclaimed "Papa, can you sign this" Alora asked holding out a photo of her parents "Honey, what did we say about getting autographs for your classmates from me and Dad?" She asked "But, daddy! They love your books and movies! And they love dad's basketball team" Alora exclaimed "This is the last time, Alora." Benji said, taking the pen from her hand "Last time for what?" Victor asked walking down the steps with Jasper "Last time your daughter is gonna ask us for another autograph" his face lit up "Who wants an autograph? I'll sign!" He exclaimed "Victor Salazar." Benji said "This is the last time, Alora" he quickly changed his mind making their children giggle "Dad doesn't Papa look gorgeous in this photo" his daughter said, "Sweetie, papa looks gorgeous in every photo." Benji smiled "Thank you, guys, I love you all" he said, placing his hand on her heart.

"Alright, everyone in the car." He said handing the photo back to his daughter "Thanks, Daddy." She smiled running back into the living room to place the signed paper on the coffee table before running back to Victor. The family of 5 drove to the mall. Victor took the younger kids to the toy store while Benji and Jasper went into Spencer's "So. What'd your type" the older man asked "There is this boy at school that I like-" he started "Honey, I meant the clothes, but that's sweet, what's his name?" Benji asked "his name is Ezekiel. He's also trans, he's so sweet, Dad. I like him a lot" he explained looking at the Steven Rhodes shirts on the shelf "Maybe you should invite him to dinner sometime" his dad said "really?" He asked "Of course! We'd love to have him over." The two continued shopping, eventually heading into hot topic and meeting back up with the rest of their family

"Did you guys have fun?" Benji asked, looking at the two younger kids holding build-a-bear boxes "Look at my bear, papa! It's Sulley!" Ace said, holding up his blue bear "It's so cute, Ace!" He said "What'd you guys get?" Victor asked as the family walked out of the mall "We got him some new clothes that match his little emo aesthetic" Jasper rolled his eyes as everyone else giggled

When the family got home, Victor made them a nice lunch and they all sat at the table together "Thank you for supporting me so much, guys" Jasper said "No need to thank us. Our job as parents is to support you no matter what. In plus. We had parents who didn't support us. I would hate to end up like that and not give my kids the support they deserve" Benji explained "Grandma didn't support you?" He asked "Grandma refused to call me by my name. So we grew apart. Grandma Isabel just didn't like the fact that Dad was gay." He said " I guess I shouldn't tell them?" Jasper said sadly "I wouldn't, but don't be afraid to be who you are because of them. Who you are is beautiful and you shouldn't have to change because some assholes don't like the fact that you're trans. All that matters is that you love yourself. Your opinion is the only one that matters." Jasper smiled, the great feeling of being loved running through his body. He loved it, he loved having parents who cared for him, he loved that they supported him no matter what.

He loved who he was and no one could change that.




even though a certain group of people hate me simply because I exist. I DON'T CARE WOOOO





-love, Aeden <33

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