11 - Kiersten

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I need to know more. Pronto.

Is she stern? Is she gentle? Is she prompt? Is she nice? Is she annoying? Does she have a secret extra finger?

All things I need to know. Now.

I burst out of the car and meet her face-to-face. Oh man. She's G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S, gorgeous. Her raven black hair grazes her tanned shoulders gently as the wind blows and the sun glows behind her creating an aurora of mysticism. Her posture is impeccable, strong and steady, like some kind of golf warrior goddess.

No wonder Drew's so enamored with her. Puberty must be hitting this boy earlier than we thought.

"Hi," I say, shaking off my initial shock. "I'm Kiersten."

Miss Chloe tilts her head to the side a bit and scrunches her nose. Not in a mean way, just in a curious kind of way. Mr. Purdy's never mentioned me, I guess, but then again why would he.

"Matt's girlfriend."

"Ohhhh," she says and turns to Mr. Purdy. "Your oldest son?"

Mr. Purdy, who was busy taking Marcie out of her car seat, gives her a quick yeah. I can tell he's itching to give her his full attention, but he's got his hands full. Drew sees the opportunity and seizes it.

"He lives with our mother in New Orleans. Far away from her. Far, faaaar away."

I shot Drew a look, which you know, not my proudest moment glaring at a nine year old, but geez, it's going to be hard enough to keep Mr. Purdy away from this Miss Chloe without him interfering.

"New Orleans? No kidding, I grew up around there. About 2 hours west. Youngsville."

Youngsville, eh? I gotta Google that later.

"Oh yeah?" Mr. Purdy says.

He finally breaks Marcie free. She hops out and he kind of scootches her near me without looking down at her. Or Drew or Carrie. That's when the suspicions set in. It's a subtle shift in focus, but it's there.

"How'd you end up here?"

"I went to school here and fell in love. Couldn't imagine ever going back."

Mr. Purdy's face squints. Consider his curiosity peaked.

Now the real test.

"Auburn or Alabama?"

She smirks in anticipation. She knows exactly what she's doing.

"Roll tide, baby."

Mr. Purdy's cheeks, involuntarily I hope, flush and he looks down for a second, I'm guessing to compose himself and conceal his boyish grin.

"That's the right answer."

There's a moment. You know the kind. Drew keeps his eyes on the both of them as this unfolds, rather gleefully I may add.

The moment lingers. The dread sets in as my suspicions heighten. The wheels turning and the questions are churning in Miss Chloe's head. What's his deal? Why is his son so much older than his other kids? Why's his wife in New Orleans? Is she even his wife? Are they together? Separated? Divorced?

She tries to fight it, but she can't resist the urge. Her eyes flicker down to his left ring finger.

What happens next, I can't even believe. My jaw almost drops.

Right as she looks down, Mr. Purdy freaking tucks his hand in his pocket. Not hands. Hand. Singular. The right hand stays right where it is. The left hand though? Straight in the pocket.

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