35 - Kiersten

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So. Last night. Matt. Me. Whoa. That was...new. I mean, I've never laid next to a boy in my life, so that's crazy enough, but the fact that it was Matt is double crazy. We never get close like that. When we watch movies, we sit next to each other on the couch. Close enough so that we both can still reach the popcorn, but not close enough to the point of touching. It was weird, but also kind of nice? Like it was comforting, but at the same time it definitely felt like we crossed some boundary. But is that a bad thing? Is it a good thing? Ugh, I have no idea. I need Whit and Bridgette.

I grab my phone from my bedside table and shoot them both a quick text.

Girls Night?

Whitney and Bridgette don't miss a beat. Barely a second goes by before my phone is buzzing with heart emojis and eight million exclamation points. I smile to myself. Okay. Perfect. They got my back. I can do this.

I jump from my bed and pack my duffle bag with my pajamas, my tooth brush, hair brush, deodorant, and clothes for tomorrow. Once I finish up with the essentials I look around for any fun things to throw in there. It occurs to me I don't have that much to work with so I decide to toss in my nail polish and a few lotion samples we got in the mail. I throw my bag over my shoulder, ready to see my girls.

But then.

I catch a glimpse of Mr. Purdy walking into Matt's room. In nothing but a towel. I freeze in horror. He doesn't see me. He doesn't even look. In all honesty I think he's completely forgotten my room is over here. He shakes his hair out and puts his right hand over the knot where his towel is folded over. Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

"Hey Mr. Purdy," I blurt out in a panic.

His head makes a sharp turn towards me.

"Jesus," he says and jumps back with his hand clutching onto his towel. When he sees it's me, he exhales deeply and closes his eyes for a brief moment.

"Hey Kiersten," he says and gives me an embarrassed half wave. He grabs a t-shirt from the stack of clothes on Matt's desk and throws it over his head. "Sorry about that. Not quite used to the new arrangement yet I guess."

"That's okay," I say. "I do it all the time."

"You do?" He says with raised eyebrows.
I quickly realize my poor choice of words. I could see the wheels turning in Mr. Purdy's head. I'm not a father, but I could see how having a teen son with a room across from a girl who doesn't close her blinds could be somewhat disconcerting.

"Not all the time," I correct. "It happened once. Actually twice. Maybe three times, max. But I was changing into my pajamas so I wasn't naked or anything. And he had his back turned so he didn't see anything. I don't think anyway."

Granted my correction is probably worse than my original statement, but my mind is still pretty swirly from almost seeing Mr. Purdy drop his towel in front of me. Mr. Purdy nodded in that "uh huh" way of his.

"All right well," he says and reaches to close the blinds. "Have a good night."

"See you later, Mr. Purdy."

Shaken by the close encounter, I bolt out of there and head downstairs with my bag. I say a quick goodbye to my parents and then wait on the front steps for Whitney and Bridgette to come pick me up. I pull my phone out quick to check the time. They said they'd be here at 7:30 and it's 7:28 now. I tuck my phone back in my pocket and lean against my duffle bag like a pillow.

"Hey," I hear from the porch next door.

I look over and see Matt smiling on the porch swing.


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