Chapter 28

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"You have to keep up the studies after this assignment. Our expectations are irrational but high now," Professor Morgan said arranging a bunch of files on his table.

The class was over five minutes ago but he asked me to stay back to discuss about the assignment I submitted earlier.

I nodded comically in excitement. "Yes Professor. I'll do my best."

He gestured towards the door cueing me that I have been dismissed.

My gaze roamed around the people crowding the corridor, looking for my friends.

Instead I spotted Matt with another guy ,whom I recognized from sociology ,gawking and smiling at me.
My lips pressed in a tense line automatically as a response to their devilish stance.

"All that image of touch-me-not just to get banged by black dudes," Matt called over the top of the crowd.

Confusion took over my face. My eyes searched his expressions for an evidence of a sick joke.

"You liked blacked huh" The blonde guy with Matt laughed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I sensed the glances of everyone around me. Whispers erupted around me like storm. Phones beeped with notifications and the students glanced at me and then at the device in their hands.

Matt took my silence as a sign to keep spewing shit. "Poor Zayn would be hurt but I think that pair of tits could suffice for his loss."

He shoved his phone in my face and my eyes adjusted to the proximity of the screen.

The video kept playing.

A woman with my face having sex with multiple guys.

I used to think slow motion scenes were only meant for movies but standing there, surrounded by people , I could feel everything get slowed.

My breathing restricted. My mind stopped working. The blood in my veins froze to paralyze my movements. I stood there watching my face in a video with men around having violent sex with a woman who appear to be me.

And then it came crashing down on me. As if someone has now fast forwarded everything all of a sudden. I heard the laugh and the whispers. I noticed the obscene gestures they were making. I felt them eyeing me with lust and I felt all of it in my bones.

Dragging my feet, I turned around. I have to get out of here. I have to run.

"Aura!" The voice reached me a heartbeat before I crashed into the person who called my name.

I trailed my eyes from the chest of the person to his face.


"I'll find Zayn for you to take you home. Come with me." He took my arms in his hand and made the way out of the crowd.

Just breathe.

Sensing Silas's hand still on me, I closed my eyes to clear the vision.


I was still the woman having sex with multiple men. It burned my skin. I wanted to carve every inch of my skin and watch it burn.

"I'm next after Silas." A guy hollered and tried to bro-hug Silas in the parking lot. But he pushed him away and cut him a glance.

He opened the passenger door of his car and allowed me to jump in. "You're freezing. Here, take this." Silas slipped both his arms out fluidly and took off his denim jacket. He placed it on me covering my arms that I had crossed against my chest protectively. "I'll get Zayn."

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