Chapter 25

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"What was it for, again?", I whispered. My words fell into the quiet space of library.

Lee's gaze remained on the librarian, Mr. Stuart. "The dance night. For the fundraiser. There are posters everywhere Aura." She sounded frustrated.

"Look at all this."  I waved my hands over the messy table in front. Books. Notes. File holders. Highlighters. Pens. Post its. Some more pens. And flash cards." It's turning out to be a nightmare with eyes open."

Mr. Stuart shushed us again. I watched his head give a light shake of disappointment. It was the second time and there's only so much of an embarrassment I can take. I gathered all my things and gave a visual cue to Lee to do the same.

"Look at it . It's all over the campus." Lee signaled at the poster on the pillar wall in front of the library. "You have to literally be blind to miss it you know."

I shrugged my shoulder.

We saw Raven running at us , almost slipping when she halted in front of us. I opened my mouth to tell her to be careful but she screamed. Very loudly.

"I got a asked for the dance night. I have a date. Singwithme! Drake asked me for dance night. I have a date."

I feared Mr Stuart would come out of the library now and shush us but I couldn't be happier for Raven. We hugged her and giggled like school girls.
It would have been a ridiculous sight for those who watched us.

"What about you guys?", Raven asked after dancing her excitement out.

"I'm not going. "
"I'm going to ask Aura. "

Lee and I spoke at the same time.

My head swiveled with disconcertment. "What!"

"Relax ! I know you will obviously say no to all the guys and I understand that you're not comfortable but I really want  you to be there Aura. With us. All four of us."

"Lee it's okay. You don't have to do it. And for the love of God just ask Fiona already. Otherwise she'll go with someone else.

"Sorry to interrupt this very emotional conversation but how do you settle the question of who is gonna ask whom when you're gay?" Raven said.

"Raven!"I pinched her.

"Owww...what it's a genuine doubt man. You don't have to always be politically correct Aura." She swatted my arm.

Lee laughed and I was just relieved that she wasn't offended.

Raven threw an arm around me , giving me a side hug. Her voice went an octave down. "And by the way you can call me the N- word if you want."

"Oh my God RAVEN!" I looked at her in disbelief and she bursted out in laughter.

"Hey guys"A familiar voice called us.

We looked in the direction to find Noah and Brie walking towards us.

"Hey Aura", Noah said.

His particular greeting to me wasn't awkward considering he was talking to me after ages. The last he spoke to me was when he warned me about Zayn. It's not like I was angry at him or something. He just sort of avoided me.

"Hey" I acknowledged him.

His shoulder tensed and he exhaled loudly as if preparing himself for something. " I just...I mean I know we haven't talked since..." his voice trailed off.

"It's okay Noah" I said encouraging him. There's no point for a bad blood. He is good friends with Lee and Brie and I don't want to have a tense air in the group.

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