27|Only Strangers with Benefits

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Eve's POV

As the car drove through the beautiful town of Woodberry and the strong breeze from outside the car window hit my skin, I felt nostalgia.

I haven't come here in over a year.

Dad had just picked me up from school so we were heading to the diner.

"Is everything okay?" he asked. "You haven't said anything the whole ride."

"I'm fine, it's just that I missed you a lot."

"Well if you missed me a lot, you're supposed to drowning me with questions." He turned to me. "Where is the book I got you to write down your questions? Ask from that."

Haze happened.

"I lost it."

"Bear, why didn't you tell me? I could have gotten you a new one."

"It's okay, I don't use it anyways."

"Uh, I see."

We stayed silent until we turned into the diner's parking lot.

"Looks like Carol's Diner has gotten more popular from since I left. The parking lot used to be empty," dad said as he drove around to find a parking spot.

We finally got out the car and went to the entrance.

"Where should we sit?" dad asked.

I froze.

Haze and some others from the football and cheer team were here.

They were all laughing while he was looking down on his phone.

He suddenly looked up and our eyes instantly met.

We both looked away at the same time.

"At our usual spot," I said as I walked to where we sat every Sunday morning for the past eight years.

"Wow, I haven't seen you two in a while. I was beginning to think you found a better diner."

I looked up to see Maggie, the waitress, standing with a notepad and pen.

"Hey Maggie, long time no see. I moved away and I guess my little girl didn't want to come here without her old man," dad answered.

"Good to see you, Steve. I don't think your little girl is so little anymore. Looks like she is all grown up."

Dad surrendered. "You're right."

She laughed. "What can I get you two?"

"Do you still like waffles and chicken, Bear?" dad asked me.

"Hell yeah!"

Dad laughed. "I guess you have our order then."

"Coming right up!" Maggie said before rushing off.

I couldn't help but drift my eyes over to Haze. Ashley walked in and sat right next to him. She tried to kiss him but he shrugged her away. The others at the table then gave each other looks.

"That's him right?" dad asked.

"Wh-what? Who?"

"That friend of yours. Is he your boyfriend? "

"He's not my boyfriend and he's not my friend."

"Then what is he?"

I don't know.


"So why were you visiting him last night? Are you sleeping with him?"

I stayed silent and dad began to get irritated.

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