5|Silent Agreement

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Eve's POV

He pulled closer to him by the waist and pressed his lips against mine.

My body froze for a second before I quickly pulled away. When he realized what he'd just done, he turned away and mumbled curse words under his breath.

Did Haze De Luca, the person who had been making my life a living hell for the past four years, just kiss me?

He finally turned around and started packing his things.

So, is he just going to ignore me now?

When he shoved everything into his bag, he turned to me.

"If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll kill you," he threatened before turning and starting to walk away.

A sudden urge of bravery flooded my body and my mouth opened. "As if I'd ever want to admit such a mortifying event."

All the bravery disappeared when he halted. My heart dropped and I knew then and there that I had gotten too bold.

He rolled his fingers into fists but to my surprise, he moved forward and left.

I fell back unto the wall and let out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding. What the hell was that? Did he like me? Did he do it by mistake? What? I just wanted answers. I was more confused now than when I came in here.

The bell rang for lunch so I decided to head to the cafeteria to meet the others.

There they were sitting and talking. As soon as Belly saw me, she stood up and hugged me.

"Oh my gosh, where were you? I called you like one hundred times!"

Images of Haze's arm wrapped around my waist with his soft, pink lips pressed against mine flashed my mind.

"Just clearing my mind," I said before sitting.

She scoffed, "You had to think before answering?"

"Belly!" Chase warned.

There was an awkward silence amongst us before Aaron slid over his mom's famous tuna sandwich. "Have it, it's my fault that monster tore up your journal today. I know how much it meant to you. I should have never called him over there."

I slid back over his sandwich to him. "It's nobody's fault but Haze's."

He sent me a sympathetic smile before taking back his sandwich and eating it.

I used that as an opportunity to look at Haze.

There he was sitting in the middle of friend group with his headphones in and looking into his phone. One of his friends tapped his shoulder to ask him something and he simply nodded. He then turned his eyes to my direction and our eyes locked.

I quickly looked away out of fear but then something gravitated me to look back. He was still watching me. He slowly lifted his middle finger to me.

I was completely appalled.  

His friend tapped his shoulder again making him finally break eye contact.

"What are you looking at?" Chase asked.

"Obviously plotting some kind of revenge for Haze," Belly laughed.

I turned to them. "I don't need revenge. He can try all he wants but he can't affect me."

"Sure," Chase simply said.

I meant it. From now on Haze will just be another person at school. I will not be afraid of him anymore.

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