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Eve's POV

I took a deep breath before opening the front door.

Before I even stepped foot in the house, she was there.

"Nice of you to finally show," she said before walking off.

I sighed.

A few months ago, mom and I were best friends. We were each other's rocks and use to tell each other everything. Sure, she'd get mad at me sometimes, but she'd be over it in a few minutes.

I would have never thought there would be a day that she kicked me out, even if it was just for the night.

Shaking my head, I walked up the stairs and then straight to my room.

As soon as I closed the door, I smiled. Even though the circumstances of me getting there were sad, I cannot say I regretted staying with Haze.

To tell you the truth, I actually enjoyed myself. He wasn't as bad as how he wanted people to think he was.

What kind of bully would make waffles and pour syrup on them for you?


Haze really made sure he lived up to his name, confusion.

The door swung open and to no surprise, it was mom and Tom. She threw my phone at me.

"Your friends kept texting but don't worry, I didn't look," she tried to say in a cold manner. "Who did you stay with?"

Should I lie or tell the truth?

I could say I slept in a parking lot to make her feel bad.

"With a friend."

"What friend?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Okay Eve, excuse me for wanting to know your whereabouts!"

"If you hadn't kicked me out then you wouldn't need to know my whereabouts."

She glared at me before storming out.

Then there was Tom.

He stood there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. "Cut your mom some slack."

"Why should I? She is the one acting crazy here."

"You know she skipped work today just to see if you would arrive home safely? She even stayed up all night hoping for you to come home. She means well."

I stayed quiet and looked away. I know she means well but sometimes she just does too much.

"Look Eve, I know you are not cool with me as yet but if you ever want to talk, I'm here. I also want to make it perfectly clear that I am not trying to replace Steve. He is your father and nobody can change that. Got it?"

I nodded still facing away from him.

"Now give me a high five," he said while stretching out his palm to me.

I stayed stubborn for a while and continued looking away before eventually high fiving him.

After that, he finally left.

I checked my phone to see over one hundred messages from the only three friends that I had and soon enough they were in my room.


"...and that's how my mom came to kick me out."

Belly hugged me. "Waw Evie, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you just tell us?"

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