Chapter Seven

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The royal carriage was filled with an easy silence, the King and Queen sat on one side of the carriage, on the other side sat Rhaenyra, and three nursemaids each holding one of Camilla's children. Camilla stared at Rhaenyra out of the corner of her eye, wondering if all had been resolved, if they were friends again.

"Well isn't this splendid." Viserys spoke, causing Camilla's gaze to snap to her husband. "The whole of our family off to celebration and adventure in the Kingswood."

The carriage shook following the King's words as they drove over a hole in the road. A sharp pain shot up Camilla's spine, causing the Queen to hiss in pain. Rhaenyra leaned forward at the look of pain on her cousin's face, taking her hand in hers. Camilla squeezed Rhaenyra's hand in an attempt to distract from the passing pain, a thankful look in her eyes.

"Should you be traveling in such condition?" Rhaenyra asked, a hint of concern filling her voice as Camilla released her hand..

"The maesters said that being out in nature would do me well. That it would be good for the baby." Camilla rubbed her swollen stomach, excited to meet her child even if they were not born from love.

"Well, you will be with your own child sooner than late," Viserys spoke over his goblet. "And make me a proud grandsire."

"It is not so bad," Camilla promised. "The days are long but it is worth it to hold your child in your arms."

"You should ride out with me today." Viserys spoke, hopeful to spend time with his eldest child. "Join in the chase."

"I'd rather not. Boars squeal like children when they're being slaughtered. I find it discomforting." Rhaenyra dismissed, not believing her father truly wished to spend time with her. While her relationship with Camilla was improving, she didn't know if she could ever forgive her father for marrying her friend and cousin.

"It's a hunt, Rhaenyra. How would you like to participate?"

Camilla lowered her gaze to the floor at the argument brewing between the two dragons she was caught between. Traveling to a fantasyland in her mind where it was Daemon's hand she held and his children she brought into the world. Camilla wanted to laugh at how pitiful she was to still dream of a life with Daemon.

"As I am ceaselessly reminded!" Rhaenyra yelled, pulling Camilla from her thoughts filled with self-hate.

"You wouldn't need to be reminded if you ever attended to them."

"No one's here for me."

Camilla swallowed at the sadness in Rhaenyra's voice. "You'll sit with me and Alicent, won't you?"

Rhaenyra stared at Camilla for a moment, no words passed between the two yet a conversation was held. The Princess merely nodded at the Queen's request.

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