Chapter Three

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Camilla's eyes fluttered open, something had woken her

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Camilla's eyes fluttered open, something had woken her. Sitting up the young Tully looked around for a clue about what had broken her from a deep sleep.


A head of white hair turned towards the empty wall in the corner of her chambers, staring at it questioning if she had imagined the sound. Violet eyes flicked to the windows lining one of the walls of her room only to see pitch darkness.

"Hello," Camilla called, the end of the word lilting as she yawned.

Camilla rubbed her eyes as the panel opened and closed behind someone. Opening her eyes, Camilla saw the Prince standing at the foot of her bed, dressed in only a thin pair of linen pants. Camilla felt a burst of energy upon seeing lover, throwing back the blankets on her bed, the ward beckoned him closer.

"What are you doing here?" Camilla asked as the Rogue Prince crawled into her bed and sprawled out against her side. The Tully girl covered him with the blanket and laid back down, rolling to face Daemon.

Daemon didn't answer, instead he grabbed her by the hip and pulled her into his chest. This close she could smell the wine on him, as if he had bathed in the drink. Camilla placed a hand on Daemon's chest, feeling the warmth radiating off of his skin. She enjoyed moments like this where she could pretend they were husband and wife. Grabbing the hand on her hip, Camilla lifted it so the sapphire stone on the ring on his index finger would glow in the moonlight. Besides the stone and size it was identical to her own.

"You need a bath." Camilla whispered, placing a kiss against Daemon's knuckles causing the prince to hum in appreciation.

"Later." Daemon slurred, pressing a kiss to the top of Camilla's head. "Sleep, 'mila."

Camilla's shoulders shook from the effort of holding back her laughter. Though apparently her efforts were in vain as Daemon shushed her and pulled her closer.

"Good night, Sunshine."


Before the words had even fully left his lips, snores spilled from the Prince. Camilla smiled to herself, snuggling further into Daemon's embrace. She wished they could stay like this always.


Sun light filled the chambers, painting everything in a soft golden light. Violet eyes fluttered open, turning to her bedmate Camilla instead found an empty space. A frown tugged at her lips as she searched the room for any sight of Prince Daemon.  When none was found Camilla squared her shoulders, determined to go about her day as if nothing had happened.

That day whispers filled the Red Keep, as everyone worried for the succession of the crown now that the Queen was dead. Rhaenyra had rushed to find Camilla and Alicent after the small council meeting, finding her two friends under the great oak tree. Camilla sat facing Alicent as the young Hightower girl posed for her friend's sketch. Alicent sat with her back against the tree, legs tucked under her and to the side , and looking to the side.

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