Chapter Two

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The Tourney had just begun when Rhaenyra entered the Royal box

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The Tourney had just begun when Rhaenyra entered the Royal box. Camilla sat beside Alicent, with an empty seat between the two. Her two younger brothers that she had not had the fortune to meet before she had been sent to King's Landing sat beside her. Camilla had no idea how to speak to them, she didn't know what their parents had said about her or if they had even mentioned her. Camilla could only assume her elder brother, Clifford, had joined the list of knights participating in the tourney. Behind her sat her mother and father, Lady Sayera Arryn and Lord Elmo Tully. Neither of which had greeted her back when Camilla had said hello, ignoring their only daughter

Drums beat in rhythm and the crowd cheered as King Viserys began his speech. "Be welcome! I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious  by the news," The King paused for a moment as his daughter found her seat between her two friends. "That I am happy to share. Queen Aemma has begun her labors!"

The crowd cheered once again at the news.

"May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!"

With those words the tourney started and two of the contestants charged at each other, leveling their lances at the other's chest. A lance met a shield with a crash. Since both contestants managed to stay on their horse they quickly grabbed another lance and rode again. This time around one of the contestants was knocked off his horse. The winner stopped his horse in front of the Royal box and bowed.

"A mystery knight?" Rhaenyra asked.

"No, a Cole, of the Stormlands."

"I've never heard of a House Cole."

Normally Camilla would have teased Alicent about knowing everything, but the young Tully girl could feel the eyes of her mother burning a hole into the back of her head. If Camilla had to guess her mother was angry that the daughter she had abandoned dared not wear their house colors, red or blue, instead Camilla had chosen to wear a simple lavender dress, a perfect match for her sunshine's eyes.

"Princess Rhaenys Targaryen!" A knight called from below. "I would humbly ask for the favor of the Queen Who Never Was."

The Royal box filled with an uncomfortable tension, as the crowd laughed at Lord Baratheon's words. All eyes watched as Princess Rhaenys stood from her seat beside her husband and walked to the edge of the box. Lord Baratheon held the tip of his lance up so Princess Rhaenys could bestow her favor.

The drums beat again as the contestants got into place, readying themselves to charge at each other.

"Lord Stokesworth's daughter is promised to that young Tarly squire."

"Lord Massey's son?" Alicent asked.

Rhaenyra hummed in agreement, and reached over to take Camilla's hand in her own. "They are to be married as soon as he wins his knighthood."

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