chapter 40

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It's been a couple weeks since I basically got beat up by Jake, and things are going smoothly.

My uncles and dad of course made it back in time for dinner, like nothing ever happened. But I knew Jake wouldn't get away with just a scratch of scolding.

More like a couple of bones.

It was nearing the end of the semester, about to be summer. Since the incident, my dad didn't let me go to the library anymore, but he allowed me to have some friends over to study instead.

I was excited to be done with school and not have any responsibilities.

I had a deep interest in the medical field and I've been convincing my dad and uncle Grey to let me shadow them in the ER and OR. After combing them that I'd be safer with them than at some stupid summer camp, they agreed. Camp Charlotte for the win.

I'd gone in with them a few times and just saw surface level cases. My dad and Grey usually worked Trauma Surgery and any type of emergency surgery. They rarely ever did internal medicine, but since I was with them, they'd often pick up sick visits here and there.

It was fun being on their service. I enjoyed being a fly on the wall and watching the way they handle things, always so focused.

They both liked the simplicity of continuity care as well. They'd been so focused on trauma surgery, that they never got to actually create relationships with their patients. Taking a small step back and allowing them to do so, allowed their humanity to seep through a little.

I was currently in an exam room with Grey, who was doing a follow up on a patient who had a major operation. Hearing the way he described it made me so much more interested.

I watched how Grey approached it professionally and checked out the soldier. He performed all the related tests and deemed him ready to go back to work.

In the end, the soldier told Grey how he's made a huge impact on his life, and how without him he'd be dead.

His humanity really shined through when he thanked and assured the patient he's grateful for what he does.

We walked out the exam room, heading to his office.

"Grey you're an amazing doctor." I told him.

He looked to me and furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm just doing my job." he said as if it was nothing.

"Ok but the way you reassured that man, made him comfortable. You should work in primary care. I think you'd be a great fit." 

"I like trauma surgery though, it forces me to think quick and act immediately. One missed step and I can loose my patient." He said as he looked out the window.

"Try both. Your humanity shows when you do primary care"

He smiled. "I don't think I have any humanity left in me."

"Don't say that, you do. Even if you're too proud to admit it." I told him seriously.

"Thanks kid"

The day flew by quickly. I worked with both my dad and Grey and saw some of the coolest cases today.

I'd always thought I wanted to go into journalism, but after today I'm considering medicine. It was completely eye opening.

Whatever I'd do, I just wanted to be happy with it. :)

A/N hii hope you're enjoying so far! Make sure to vote and leave a comment ! It's very much appreciated! :) hope you enjoy this calm chapter!

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