chapter 38

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As we exited the elevator, many pairs of eyes focused to us. I was finally able to take in the once familiar place from when I was here the first time. The whole area was a mini hospital. There were nurses and doctors everywhere as well as many rooms that lined the walls. My dad and Grey both ignored the stares and walked through the halls as if they owned the place.

We soon got to a private hospital room, that almost looked like an OR.

As soon as my dad set me down gently on the bed, he and Grey both got to work immediately. He began to stick many EKG leads to my chest, while Grey was setting up a portable X-ray machine.

While he was reading the results as they printed, Grey placed a smock on me to prevent the rest of my body from receiving radiation. He then lowered the bed so it was flat, and guided my hands above my head so that he could take the picture. A a young nurse came in and helped him prepare a few things.

"I'm going to take a couple X-rays of your ribs now, okay? It won't hurt, just take some deep breaths for me" he told me softly.

"I have to ask this as protocol, but is there any chance you may be pregnant?" the nurse asked me.

Ronan and Grey's eyes both widened immediately. "Nope" I told her as my dad answered "absolutely not."

She laughed. "Perfect"

I did as he said and he got the pictures he needed. My dad ripped the EKG paper and handed it to Ronan who read it intently.

"It looks good." He nodded satisfied.

My dad sat next to me and rubbed my hand. "I'm sorry this happened to you." He told me seriously.

I shook my head. "It's okay, dad." I didn't want him to worry.

Grey came back with an iPad and a stethoscope around his neck. I laughed for a second, because he was still wearing a Nike Sweat set, but then looked like a doctor at the same time.

He pulled up the X-rays and went near my dad so they could get a good look at them. Both of them analyzed them and spoke amongst themselves as they discussed the findings.

"She's got about 2 broken ribs and bruised lungs. Her spleen is also bruised but nothing to be concerned about." Grey confirmed to my dad.

"What about enlargement? Any splenomegaly?" My dad asked him, as if he needed confirmation.

"Don't worry Ro, she's good. Nothing too serious right now. We can tape up her ribs to ease pressure and she'll need to relax for a little. I'll prescribe her some pain meds and she'll be good to go." He spoke softly to my dad. Again, I've been seeing his gentle side slip through once in a while which made me smile. It meant he was comfortable with us.


I was exhausted. Anxious. Worried. All of the above.

Seeing my daughter in a hospital bed caused a series of emotions to spiral through me.

I can't help but blame myself for her getting hurt. All these thoughts running through my head.

I felt like I failed.

Seeing his daughter hurt, Ronan felt helpless. I've never seen him like this before except when we were on missions and some men got hurt. Of course, he blamed himself. He always did.

I haven't seen him this jittery since forever. Hell, I was even surprised at myself.

The minute I saw those bruises, I was shocked that Ronan didn't grab me and drag me to find that son of a bitch.

But he did the right thing instead. He'd put his daughter first and treat her before anything else.

Seeing Charlotte laying there made me think of my little sister. It made me furious. Livid.


I wanted nothing more than to teach him some lessons, starting with you don't touch my niece.

But we had priorities. Since Ronan couldn't focus properly, I took over. I double and triple checked all her scans and readings to make sure everything was okay.

Ronan had fallen asleep on the chair by her bed, out of complete exhaustion. His 6'4" frame sprawled all over the chair.

Charlotte was awake though, with being on a cocktail of medicines. We made eye contact and she called me over.

I made my way over and sat next to her. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you guys" she whispered, tears appearing in her eyes.

"Don't worry about that, Char. Just focus on getting better sweetheart. I promise you're safe and nothing else will happen. Your dad and I will make sure" I told her, the last sentence coming out in a solid tone.

It was true. Let that little shit try anything again.

He'd regret it.

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