chapter 19

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Both of us got dressed up nicely. Charlotte wore a fitted,long sleeve short white dress with some sandals and I wore nice pants and a cotton button down shirt.

She kept on playing with her sleeves, indicating she was nervous.

I gently went up to her and grabbed her hand.

"It's going to be okay, I promise" I told her.

It's true.

As if it was the perfect timing, the elevator doors opened and my family walked out. My two brothers Adam and Rehan as well as my older sister Reyna. Rehan & Reyna we're both twins, only a year older than me. My parents, Aliya and Ryan both accompanied them as well. As they all made their way out of the elevator to us, I saw two other people as well.

They all walked over to us with huge smiles on their faces. I hugged each of them.

"Hello, my sweet boy" my mom told me as she cupped my cheeks.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Hey, ma"

At 50, she looked about 10 years younger. If we weren't with her, people wouldn't have guessed she was a mom. Same with my dad. He doesn't look a day over 40.

He came over and gave me a brief hug as well.

"Hello, son"

I stepped back for a second and walked over to Charlotte who was standing awkwardly in the corner. I grabbed her hand and pulled her over to everyone.

"Guys, this is Charlotte." I introduced her as she gave them a small smile.

My mom's eyes started to tear up as she almost ran and crushed Char in a tightening hug. She cupped her face.

"Welcome to the family sweet girl" she told her lovingly.

Char hugged her back. "Thank you" she whispered with a small smile.

Next was Reyna. She made her way over with a bright excited smile on her face and hugged Charlotte as if there was no tomorrow.

"Hello, Char! Im Reyna, your aunt" she said with a bright smile. "I can't wait to get to know you" she said excitedly as she held her hands.

My two brothers walked over. "Hello Charlotte, I'm Rehan, your favorite uncle, and this is Adam, your other one" he smiled out and held his hand.

Char took it and shook it graciously. "Don't worry, soon we'll be ditching these awkward dinners and getting ice cream instead" he told her with a small wink.

She laughed. "I like that idea"

Then, it was my dad's turn. I was nervous but didn't dare show it. He approached her stiffly.

"Hello Charlotte, I'm Ryan, your father's father" he told her cordially. She shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you sir."

"The pleasure is mine"

"Can we eat? The food was absolute shit on that flight and I'm starving" Rehan blurted out.

"Let's eat"

We were soon all seated at the table with Italian food on our plates.

I could tell Char looked nervous, but slowly started to warm up.

As we were eating, the elevator doors opened.

I wasn't expecting anymore guests.

I looked to see who it was, and fire immediately burned through my veins.

My Uncle Cairo and Aunt Thea.

Fucking wonderful.

The two of them always stirred up shit and I couldn't stand their presence. They were "family friends" that my parents somehow tolerated.

What the fuck were they doing here.

"Hello guys, sorry we're late- traffic" Aunt Thea whined out in her posh accent.

I'm gonna need alcohol to get through this night.

My mom, kind as ever, welcomed them to the table. Rehan and Reyna immediately rolled their eyes. They had similar feelings.

"And who is this lovely girl?" Uncle Thea asked as she came over to Charlotte and pinched her cheek.

Charlotte cringed uncomfortably.

"She's my daughter" I told them, firmly.

"Your daughter? Which whore did you fuck?

And that's when chaos erupted.

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