Blaze of glory

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Garito woke up with a gasp and instantly sat up. When he looked around he saw that he was in the no-tell motel.

Garito: What the? FUCK my head!

Then Laura hugged him.

Laura: Darling! It was terrible! I thought we had died!

Garito tried to hug her but his arms went through her.

Garito: Me too.

Then Rebecca called him.

Garito: Yes?

Rebecca: Fucking finally you dumb, psycho ass decided to pick it up! I was trying to call you the entire day!

Garito: Is something wrong?

Rebecca: First Faraday hired us to fetch something for him after that Kiwi betrayed us then we found out that that fuks Faraday kidnaped Lucy and said that he got rid of you. Now David is in an experimental exoskeleton and we are going to save Lucy at Arasaka Tower! We need all the help we need! Plus David will turn soon into a psycho as well!

Garito was full of rage that Faraday dared to doublecross them and kidnap Lucy.

Garito: If you need all the help you can get then you'll get all of it.

Rebecca: What are you talking-?

Garito ended the call and called Makima.

Makima: I was starting to worry about what happened to you. Are you well?

Garito: Faraday tried to get rid of me. It's time to return the favor.

Makima: So you need my man, huh?

Garito: All of them storm Arasaka tower, just like Laura did.

Makima: I will do that but first you must answer me. Are you ready for the carnage and finally show that whoever crosses me will pay?

Garito: Yes.

Makima: I want a different answer, puppy.

Garito let out a sigh of frustration.

Garito: Woof!

Makima: Good boy.

Garito then came out and find a gun store nearby so he bought a shotgun and two Power Liberty pistols.

Garito: No more games, Faraday.

Meanwhile with Kiwi who was standing in front of Faraday, some of his goons and unconscious Lucy.

Kiwi: I'm not doing any more work for you.

Faraday: Is that so? Such a shame.

Then he shot her.

Faraday: My contract stipulates that I get rid of anyone who knows about the cytoskeleton. No special exceptions. Even you.

Before he could shoot again she quick-hacked his hand causing him to miss and she ran away.

Faraday: GO! After her!

He order his goons and they started chasing after Kiwi.

After Kiwi found a hiding spot she called Falco.

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