Surprise visitor

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Aria Pov

I walk out of his office and I hear him yell.

" I will get my full and proper kiss once your back !"

I can only imagine people's reactions when they see this side of him. He's too precious.

I've started to be happier now and most importantly I've started to love myself. That had faded after my parents passed away but it's back now.

Love is always magic.

Although I don't feel like leaving him, I really need to get this done. I stepped out of the building and Mr. Johnson opens the car door for me. It's kinda embarrassing but I quickly get in.

The ride was pretty peaceful and Mr. Johnson told me he was really tired. He actually looked very drowsy. Poor man.

We reach my place. He comes out to open the door for me again but I stop him.

" Thank you so much for your concern but I can get down by myself." I say politely.

" As you wish Miss. " He returns a small smile. " I'll wait here you can collect everything."

" Oh no it'll be very rude of me to let you stand here. "

" Not at all. I'm absolutely fine. "

" Ok." I say hesitantly.

I go in, place my bag on the couch and head straight to my parents office room.

It's been around 10-15 minutes and there's just so much stuff. I've just finished packing one medium sized box. Suddenly I hear a loud bang. I'm completely startled. It didn't sound like a gunshot though.

I peep out of my window and the neighborhood seems absolutely normal but wait......where's Johnson ? He told me he'd wait outside but there's no sign of him. The car is still parked though.

Maybe he went to get himself a snack or coffee ? I don't think much and get back to work. While picking up and checking several files I notice the small locker. And I do know the password. My dad told it to me in case there was ever an emergency.

I put in the password and I open it there's a medium sized box and some files and a wallet inside. I open the wallet and it contains mum and dad's credit cards and some other kind of cards I don't recognise. I'll ask Ezekiel to check them. The files, one has my name on it and there is one with mum's name and one with dad's. It has personal details. I know most of it.

And I guess I'm lucky that my birth certificate is inside my file and not under the mattress.

My parents have kept every single thing, every single document so properly that I don't think I'll ever have any problem even now that they are gone.

Just thinking about them not being here makes my heart ache again. This pain is unbearable. I might seem normal and happy but a part of my heart will always be hurting because it lacks my parents love and affection that it recieved once.

I wipe my eyes and I notice that box. A box ? What could it be ?

I pull it out and open it and it contains files too but not just files there are a few pen drives and CDs as well ? CDs and pen drives wth ?

And guess what the files are obviously special no wonder they were in dad's personal locker because the name on it is 'The Kings'.

It has to be Ezekiel's family. I pick up the file and I hear something move.

" Aahh just the file I needed..." I turn around and it's Bryant. What the heck is he doing here and how on earth did he get inside.

" What are you doing here." I ask calmly.

He snickers. " Remember I asked you about your parents case details....this is exactly the one I needed. You've made my work so much easier. "

" Excuse me ?" What's he got to do with Ezekiel's family ? " This is none of your concern."

" Awww poor girl. Are you worried that once I get all that stuff your precious little boyfriend will lose his concious and go insane." He said pointing at the box.

" Don't you dare speak about him like that. You can never even dream to be what he is. You wait I'll get you kicked out." I get my phone trying to call Johnson.

" Trying to call the driver ?" I started at him. " I got rid of him. The drug I used helped him faint so well that he literally banged his head on the car bonnet. "

" What ?" Now I understand what that bang was about. " Where is he ?"

" On some sidewalk, sleeping. He'll surely not be able to come here until a week. " My eyes start to sting. How can he do that ? I mean....but no I can't be weak. I can't let him succeed.

I try to distract him.

" Honestly why are you here ?"

He walks up to the window and looks outside. I call Ezekiel but it's just ringing.

" It's time I completely fix everything. Those Kings....God they were such a bothersome lot." He's giving his bullshit speech and I quickly put everything back in the locker and close it. " That is why I got rid of them too." He laughs. I freeze.

" Rid of them ? So it was you who caused the entire accident ?"

He walks up to me and kneels. I was still sitting on the floor.

" Not just them I got rid of your parents too. " He shoots a pathetic grin at me. And here I'm in a trauma.

All this while I blamed myself for being the cause of my parents death and it was him. My parents just didn't die, they were killed.

His expression changes.

" Wait where did that box go ??"

" Your pathetic. Your going to pay for everything...." He grips my jaw harshly and forces me to look at him.

" You think I'm joking ?? Wtf is that box ? Tell me !. " He yells.

" It's back in its place. " He looks at the locker.

" OPEN IT. NOW ! " He demands.

" Pretty funny of you to think that I'll do whatever you want. I'd rather be dead. You won't survive long once Ezekiel's here Bryant. "

He suddenly laughs.

" Oh of course you'll open it when you see your pretty little boyfriend dying. And it's not Bryant. It's Joseph. "

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