New Board Member

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Aria Pov

" So the standard treatment for OCD is CBT ( cognitive behavioral therapy ) aka exposure therapy...." Professor Malcolm said pointing towards the slideshow on the smartboard.

Right now I was in class, learning about how to treat an OCD patient. The past few weeks have been so hectic, we had mock tests and exams, I hardly had any time for myself. Ezekiel was busy too he has so much going on always, way more than me but he still manages to take out time for me everyday but it's sometimes not possible for me and it makes me feel so guilty and that fact that he never complains.

However we've grown much more closer now, he shares every single thing with me although we've never talked much about his past but he told me about his parents death and that he's still looking for the man responsible for his parents death. It scares me at times that what might happen if he actually finds him and....

" Your homework for this week will require a full and proper study on schizophrenia and a written assignment on schizophrenias types and the therapies suitable for it. I'm not expecting professional level answers but this is just to help you all to try an understand the disorder by yourself first and we'll discuss and I'll obviously elaborate on it and help you out. We're gonna continue with OCD this week and I'm hoping to finish it and next week we start with schizophrenia so yor assignments should be ready by then. Class is over for today you may leave. Thank you. "

Are you serious ?, There are so many freaking types of schizophrenia it'll take forever. No one seemed happy with the homework.

" I still have the English essay left and now on earth will I manage ?" Enid groaned.

" I'm done with the essay I just need to recheck once but this will take quite a lot of time."

" Why don't you just ask Ezekiel to raid the school then there won't be any homework for a month atleast. "

" Wth...Enid your requests are too weird. "

" Weird ? Aria I'm turning schizophrenic now I guess."

" Don't worry I'll take you to a psychologist. " I patted her head while she just pouted. People were packing their bags, getting ready to leave.

Suddenly our principal entered with a grim looking man. This guy looked like he had never seen daylight. He had this creepy kind of smile on his face and he looked like was in his mid 50s. He had grey hair and beard. He was dressed in a normal black tuxedo.

Professor Malcolm got up from his chair to greet them and our principal introduced this weird looking guy.

" This is our psychology department's head professor Mr. Phineas Malcolm and Mr. Malcolm this is Mr. Bryant Ambrose, the new board member replacing Mr. Ellis. " The shaked hands. New board member ? All of a sudden ?

" A pleasure meeting you Mr. Ambrose. " Professor greeted him.

" The pleasure is all mine. " He gave professor a small smile. Woah this man's voice is as weird as him. His eyes scanned the entire room and landed on me for a brief moment and that weird feeling of being stalked returned, he turned back to look at our principal again.

" Let's go. " I called Enid. I picked up my bag and we left.

" Isn't it weird to have someone new at the board at this time ? I mean the semester is about to end. Didn't Ezekiel tell you about this ? " She asked while we walked down the corridors.

" Exactly and Ezekiel would have told me if he knew maybe plus it's not such a big deal that he had to tell me even if he knew. "

"Hmmm but you know this guy...." She was cut off mid sentence with my phone ringing.

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