Inaugration ceremony

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Aria Pov

I finally reached my university and found my friends waiting near our lockers. I was still flustered after meeting with Ezekiel, his name as beautiful and mysterious as him. My heart was still beating fast. I kept my bag in my locker.

" Where were you ? You were almost late." Iris chirped.

"Wait why are you so red and why are you breathing uneven ? Did something happen Aria ?" Enid asked concerned.

"And why do you hv dust on your clothes ? Tell us honestly Aria are you alright ?" Claire asked suspiciously.

"I'm fine guys.....I just bumped into someone and fell nothing much. And I'm not hurt." I said

"Who did you bump into ?" Enid asked with a smirk on her face.

"What are you suggesting ?" Claire seemed curious.

"No I mean you wouldn't turn soooo red by bumping into just anyone. It must be someone special ?"

" It was just a random guy. There's nothing to get so excited about and he's a stranger, I don't even know him." I was getting annoyed.

" Your boring. God knows when you'll start dating. " Enid pouted.

Iris chuckled " By the way the inauguration ceremony is about to start let's go and get seats otherwise all the good ones will be gone. "

We went to the hall. And slowly the place was crowded. Once everyone was seated out principal came in and the crowd became silent. I was least interested. It was going to be a lot of speeches and most importantly I couldn't get Ezekiel off my mind. No one has ever affected me this way. There are so many boys trying to gain my attention but I was never bothered and never felt anything. But him. I saw him once and I'm not sure if I'll ever see him again yet I'm having a butterfly marathon in my entire body.
His touch....I can still feel shivers. I didn't like the loss of his touch but I didn't want him to think of me as a perverted creep. And I'm not one by the way.

Our principal was going on babbling and with the crowd applause I understood the chief guests were here which means more speeches incoming. I lowered my head and rested it through my palms, my elbows propped up on my thighs.

"And now I invite Mr. King to address the gathering." I've heard of this title in my first year and that he's a very important figure in the university board. However I wasn't bothered.

"Good morning everyone. It's a pleasure being here." He started speaking and I heard the girls and my friends squeal. His voice sounded so dominating.

"So each year brings new opportunities and you all are very fortunate to have them. However I know life might get boring at times specially right now with me boring you all with my speech and your heads down because of it." I instantly looked up and found him already staring at me.

And I was doomed. It was Ezekiel and he was that Mr. King I've been hearing praises about since my first year. No wonder the girls squealed when he started speaking. He was smiling amusingly at me and looked away and continued speaking, although it didn't look like he wanted to look away.

I was beyond flustered. " I hope that this semester turns out to be good for you all. You will have to work hard in order to achieve your goals though. And I wish you all the very best. Thank you." He concluded his speech. The girls not happy to listen to our principal again.

"Thank you for those motivating words Mr. King. So Mr. King will be in our campus today and he's been kind enough to tell me that he's willing to clear any personal doubts you all have. However all of you don't pounce on him at once." He joked.

The hall giggled. But he was unaffected, his eyes were only fixed on me, staring at me as if I was the most remarkable thing ever. And he looked at me like there was something in me worth looking at.

Our principal continued. " Now let us wait for our chief guests to leave and then you all can leave as well. I take this opportunity to thank Mr. King for taking out time and coming here. And I wish each and everyone of you a good day and a fruitful year ahead."

He stood up and took the bouquet a professor handed him and walked out still staring at me. I regained my lost breath and turned to my friends.
All three with their hands crossed over their chest as they spoke together.

" We need answers ! "

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