Chapter 27: Intense Revelations

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Within the dim lights of a Tv screen, Rin worked tirelessly to be of use. Even though she owed nothing, she felt a sense of duty to help as much as she could. She was a field medic, and as such she had been given the responsibility to heal the injured any way she could no matter what. It filled her with responsibility. It made her grow up.

So when she was told about Shinso's mother from him, she knew what she had to do.

She had already inserted chakra into the woman. Checking on all the important things first like vitals and body temperature. Her vitals were fine, her temperature, however, was a problem. It was hot. More than it should be capable of being naturally. It should be effecting her vitals. Since it wasn't, she was stumped to figure out the disease that could be causing it. A simple cold was not the answer, nor was the flu.

I find it hard to believe. She thought. She should be in the hospital right now. Not stuck in this room, slowly dying away. It's not killing her, but she isn't eating so she'll die from whatever is affecting her or starvation. I have the tools but...

She wasn't alone in the room. Shinso was watching her. It didn't feel like he didn't trust her, but she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. They haven't known one another for a long time. She'd met plenty of people she healed that were like that.

Feeling as what she gained so far was what she would know without serious testing with equipment, she recalled her chakra and took her hand off his mother's forehead. She could only carry equipment that could save lives. Things she could perform emergency surgery with. To diagnose a problem that came from disease would take blood testing and all sorts of other things.

"So?" He asked, a small tone of worry. "What do you think?"

She sighed, unsure of how to explain what she could gather. "She's... ok. She'll live, but I can't know what's affecting her without the proper equipment. The best I can do now is set her up on IV. It'll help her get better. She might even be able to get out of bed."

Her eyes narrow at the sleeping woman. Those sunken cheeks scare me still. Whatever she's sick with is eating away at her. He didn't make it seem like she hasn't been eating at all.

"That's fine." He said. "Thanks, Nohara-San. When are we able to set her up on the IV?"

"I can do it now, but I'll need a bit more space." The looks around the cluttered room, filled with clothes and old food boxes. "Spring cleaning is right around the corner, right?"

Shinso sighed in a way that clearly showed he didn't want to do it. "I'll go and get the broom."


Kakashi knew who this was in front of him, collected from memories he knew that wasn't his own. Midoriya—that's where the memory had come from. Kakashi had nearly forgotten the fact that he took those memories for himself. Unlike how most would probably feel going against the third strongest hero in all of Japan, he now knew exactly where he was, he didn't feel a thing. He knew what this man could do because some idiot came up with the idea of showing off their abilities to just anyone that would search up their name. Part of him wished for more of a challenge. He wanted to test the limits he could now achieve with a body that was allowed to rest, but he supposed this wasn't too bad. He'd kill this hero here and test out his ability later.

With such over saturation finding a hero would be easy enough. Right now, his urge to get this over with was high. He was tired of dealing with these people and their inane thoughts. Thinking they knew him, thinking the could control him, and worst of all thinking that they could understand him.

The man before him believed that he understood him. He wouldn't live to tell others of this grave mistake.

"Back where I belong, huh." In that second, Lightning filled his palm, and the cackle of a thousand birds stained the air. "I'll make this quick."

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