Chapter 23: A Gentle Tragedy

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Words that could cut like daggers were on the tip of his tongue, ready for the world to hear. The truth, something all were allowed to decide whether they wanted or not. Heroes had no right to take it away from them. Just as they had no right to tell people who could and couldn't be a hero. Based on one single mistake.

His mouth parts open, only for a material to wrap around it. Not only that, but multiple parts of his body was wrapped, to the point where he couldn't move. Whoever had done it was skilled. They focused on his joints.

'Smart.' He thinks, forcing his head to turn behind him, and seeing someone he didn't recognize. "Ah, so you are the perpetrator."

The man looked about as angry as one might, eyes furrowed and lips drawn in a frown. "No, that title belongs to you. You're under arrest."

"Oh, am I?" Almost in an instant, the capture tape flung off the man as he bounces off the ground as if he were on a trampoline.

"Damn, he could move?" Eraserhead exclaimed.

"Finally I can make my move!" Gang Orca exclaims before releasing a hypersonic wave at the soaring man. Despite seeing it, Gentle could do nothing in time as it hit him, depriving him of his senses and paralyzing him.

"Now, Eraserhead!"

The capture tape rears at him again, again capturing him but a strand wraps itself around his throat and squeezes.

'His trying to choke me out!' He thinks, choking as his windpipe gets restricted more and more every second that he's flying above the ground. 'But he doesn't realize my...' even in thought, he pauses, shocked. His Quirk hadn't activated. Just what in the hell was... shocked eyes forcefully turn down to red irises glaring up at him, clearly glowing brighter than they had before.

'Wait, that is Eraserhead! From the UA Staff List La Brava was able to get ahold of! I didn't prepare for this!' Still shocked, his body is snatched forward toward Eraserhead but before he could go all the way Gang Orca steps in between and slams his fist deep into his gut. Saliva shoots from his mouth, past the tape with a forced exhale of breath and he already feels lightheaded. He's grabbed and slammed on the ground before he could process what had even happened.

"Threat contained." Gang Orca says aloud for all to here.

"Knock him out." Eraserhead says, eyes red, dry and twitchy. "I want to close my eyes."

Gang Orca nods, and cracks his fingers to prepare them for the job. He only needs a single good hit.

"N-no, no, no this can't be happening. Please get out of there Gentle." Through blurry eyes, La Brava shakes behind the branch she's hiding behind. She's hoping, pleading for something to happen, a miracle that would allow her precious to escape.

'W-Wait, maybe I could use my...'

Her thoughts are stopped, as the second highest renowned Hero makes his entrance, using his quirk to levitate above the ground. The air was instantly hotter.

"I'll finish him since it is taking you both so very long!" His hands stretch out and fire circles around it before barreling down.

"Endeavor, wait!" Gang Orca called out, hand high as of that would stop the oncoming assault.

"Argh!" The heat felt searing on already bloodshot eyes, forcing Eraserhead to shut them and relieve the sudden burning sensation. Immediately, Gentle rockets off the ground, slipping past the slackened capture tape and lands further away, now even closer to the cameras and the massive crowd.

Gang Orca curses, but grabs Eraserhead and dodges the fire blast before it could hit them. When he lands on the ground, it caves a bit before shooting them up into the air, far away from where the battle was taking place.

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