Chapter Seventeen

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"Yay! Let's have a snack party after this!" Amy squealed and happily paid the street vendor before taking a bag of the deep-fried banana and another bag of leko which was deep-fried fish sausage. She was out with Giselle and Drew, along with a couple of extra friends in Alisha and Meera.

"That's it for our snacks, my dear. We will have a buffet tonight!" Alisha quickly linked her arm around Amy's to stop her from looking for another stall.

"That's just a simple BBQ dinner. I don't think there are too many choices. What about chicken satay next?" Amy ignored her friend, as her eyes were sparkling while looking at the trays of skewered food on the counter of the stall.

"Amy, we will have BBQ a few hours later!" Meera, another friend of Amy reminded as she linked another side of the tiny girl's arm and the pair tried to drag Amy away from the stall.

"Well then, we will get grill chicken tail!" Amy grinned and looked at two of her friends next to her back and forth

"Ew! I'm not gonna eat that chicken ass!" Meera cringed while she shook her head and shuddered.

"Please, it's juicy! I like fats. Oh, I'm gonna get grilled chicken gizzard too!" Amy grinned even wider and gently nudged Meera with her elbow.

"Yes, I want some too, please!" Giselle piped in from behind the trio while Drew next to her was chuckling.

"Your taste is just..." Meera rolled her eyes a little and breathed out, "Never mind!"

"We can save them for tomorrow if we can't finish them," Drew suggested and Alisha turned to look at Drew with her eyes snapped wide and mouthed 'no'.

"See! That's why Drew and Giselle are my favorite friends, unlike both of you!" Amy teased a little and quickly nodded her head at the lady in the stall eagerly and cried out, "Yes! I want half a dozen of each!"

"I'm worried for Zach now. I wonder how both of you could save money for a housing mortgage," Meera clicked her tongue and sounded sorry for her friends.

"Food comes first, who cares!" Amy shrugged a little and giggled, "Zach loves food too! Wait! I'll take a few pictures and make him cry!"

"Drew, I think we better head out before this crazy woman gets more food!" Alisha cried out.

"Okay! But..." Drew trailed off as she gave a timid smile to subtle her to laugh when she saw Alisha's facial expression was pleading as she worried she might trigger the tiniest friend. "Can I get one coconut before we leave?"

"I want a coconut pudding!" Amy gushed and rapidly tapped her feet on the ground.

"NO!" the two friends said in unison while Giselle and Drew burst out laughing behind them.

"I'm sorry! I really like pandan coconut!" Drew said out loud for them to hear while Giselle chimed in, "It is delicious!"

Drew looked down at their linked arms when she felt a tap on her arm. She smiled before looking at her cute friend who was grinning at her and said, "Now I know you like pandan coconut too! I can suggest a place for us to go one day."

"Really?" Drew was happy with the idea and asked, "Where is it? It's hard to find it."

"It's not too far from our houses. Maybe you would miss this spot because it is further a bit from my house. Besides, you can try the rojak too if you're a fan of it."

"I would prefer the peanut sauce instead of the prawn sauce. I can't stand the strong smell," Drew admitted.

Giselle tightened her arms around Drew's arm and assured her, "I'm sure it would be your favorite combo with coconut, and that's my top favorite." Giselle nibbled her lips a little before happily listing out the items, "I like the combination of julienned cucumber and turnip, fried bean curd, prawn, and dough fritters. And oh! You will love that sauce! It is a sweet, spicy, and nutty sauce."

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