Chapter Fourteen

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"Do you have any plans for after we've changed my car's battery?" Giselle asked while looking at her senior sitting next to her in backseat of the cab they were taking and heading to the car park of the mall to get her baby white car.

"Umm... No," Drew replied while pulling a recycle bag closer to her chest with her arms as if it was one of the dearest belongings to her. Maybe it was because the car charger was one of the things that was given to her by her late dad.

The taller girl pressed her lips for a while, dark brown eyes beneath her rose gold frame glasses focusing on the windshield like she was helping to navigate the direction for the driver and said, "Probably, I will relax at my home after this if I don't have any plans for later."

Luckily, it seemed Giselle could have a plan for them later. But the brunette wasn't in a hurry to suggest it since her senior was busy looking for directions and giving instructions to the driver who reluctantly complied with it.

Drew seemed to sense the driver was uneasy with that. She tried to be nice and explained her reason to the older driver patiently. Giselle could look into her senior left side profile, the dimple of hers would always appear whenever she was smiling or even just a small one. It was the second time that the brunette saw her senior with a casual outlook which looked perfectly good on her.

The taller girl let her long dark hair hang down freely past her shoulders, and wore a plain black t-shirt, a pair of denim jeans, and white sneakers. The brunette smiled to herself that she was wearing the yellow sundress which was lent from Drew since she couldn't put on any jeans or shorts of Drew's which were a size bigger than hers.

It was an early Saturday, and Giselle was happy that she had time for her to get a nice plan for them. Giselle eventually got an idea since they had been worn out for weekdays and they should have to do something light and chilled.

"Wanna have brunch with me after this since we didn't have any food yet?" Giselle asked.

"Sure!" Drew's response was faster than the brunette expected. Giselle giggled and was thrilled that her senior would never decline whatever plan she had made.

"Perfect, I'll set a place for us," Giselle gently used the back of her hand to tap her senior's forearm and said in her small voice, "The brunch will be on me to thank you for letting me sleep over at your place and helping to fix my car."

"You don't have to, I'm happy to help," Drew said as she glanced at the brunette before looking at her phone and smiling, "I just checked for the nearest workshop from google. We're lucky today because it will be open at 9 a.m. The time would be perfect for us to get there and fix your car."

"Oh, we could get our big breakfast with coffee combos at-" Giselle said with her wide grin, but Drew had piped in with a wide grin, "Meet The Cafe."

"Yes! That's the cafe in my mind right now," Giselle chimed in and her stomach growled happily in agreement as she quickly caressed it and felt her face heat up.

In the meanwhile, there was another growl beside her as Giselle snapped her attention to her senior who was mirroring the same expression. Drew was looking shy as she discreetly indicated the driver in front of them and whispered, "Let's hope he didn't hear that."

Giselle giggled and nodded her head in agreement, "We can just hope for that. But I don't think we can hide it better. They were acting out loud."

Drew chuckled with shook her head before slipping her hands on her face and covering her eyes beneath her glasses and murmured, "We're almost there, and he would forget about it."

Giselle gently bumped her senior, "Well, that's normal, we are human."

Drew nodded her head and slipped her hands away from her tinted face and she smiled at the cutie apologetically, "My bad, I should have gotten us something light before heading out."

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