The Next

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"I can't believe you're leaving!"

"Can't you stay? Please?!"

"I'm going to miss you so much, Noona!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the Maknae line's dramatics.

"She's not going away to war. Stop acting like you'll never see her again."

"Hyung, you don't have to pretend. I saw you crying last night."

That turned her laughter into shock and concern.

"What? Really? Oh Yoonie, I'll visit you all the time. Promise."

Yoongi sniffed.

"You better."

"I can't believe you turned down Bang PD's offer. I hope... It wasn't because of me, was it?"

They all turned to look at Namjoon. The leader was running his hand through his hair looking agitated.

"It's not because of you, Namjoon. I'll admit that it wasn't an easy decision, but it's what I want. I promise."

"You think we'd let her miss an opportunity like this because of you! Yoongles and I discussed it with her thoroughly. She's making this decision for the right reasons."

"Thank you, Jin."

"Have you..."

Hoseok glanced around at the others wondering whether he should ask or not.

"Have I?"

"Have you told Yibo?"

There was a pause and they thought she wasn't going to answer.


"You haven't told him you'll be in China?!"

"Why should he know? He doesn't want me there. He doesn't want to see me."

Jungkook ducked his head wishing that he had never asked.

Yoongi sighed.

"You know that's not true."

"Then he shouldn't have said it."

Jimin tried to break the awkward silence that followed.

"Are you excited to go back on the show? It must feel weird to be going back on there as a mentor."

"I'm nervous. I don't feel qualified to be a mentor."

"They must think so though."

"Someone else dropped out last minute and they needed a replacement quickly. And I make a good story."

Namjoon asked a question next.

"Do you know who else they have as mentors?"

"Only one. Tao."

Taehyung gasped.

"The scary guy."

"Tao couldn't hurt a fly. Literally. He runs away from them."

They all laughed, apart from Taehyung who didn't look convinced. Jin wrapped his arm around the younger singer.

"At least you'll have a friend with you, but don't forget that you can call us anytime."

"I won't forget. It's more likely you'll be too busy to answer."

Namjoon shook his head.

"We're never too busy to make time for each other. You'll always be a part of the BTS family."

"Thank you... And if any of you ever need anything, I'll be there."

Namjoon smiled.

"I hope you look back on your time with us fondly."

"I hope I made this whole 8th member thing less painful than you thought it would be."

"You did more than that."

"You've deeply impacted our lives."

She laughed lightly to cover up how touched she felt by Hoseok and Jimin's words. 

"I expect to hear a song about it in the future."

Yoongi nodded.

"Already working on it."

"I hope ARMY is more open to change than we were. Change can be good. Sometimes change is something you didn't know you needed."

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