The Friend

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"I'm so glad your back in Korea, Lay. It's nice to know I have a friend in the same country as me."

"I told you I would introduce you to my group mates. I bet D.O. and you would get along."

She blushed.

"Stop it! I said he had a beautiful voice one time."

"Okay, okay, but for real, have you not made any friends? You had no trouble on the show."

"I was surprised I made so many friends there. All those girls were so nice, despite it being a competition."

"You've kept in touch with some of them, right?"

"Yeah, but it's not the same as being able to see a friend in person."

"True. I know two broken-hearted idols that you left back in China."

"Don't exaggerate."

"Yibo has already booked another job to distract himself."

"I told him not to overwork himself! That boy never takes a minute to rest."

"He needs to keep himself busy so he won't be moping around thinking about a certain someone."

She rolled her eyes at him, before getting serious again.

"Is Tao still mad?"

"He was never mad at you."

"Upset then."

"He just, he cares about you. He knows what this life is like and he doesn't want you to get hurt."

She didn't respond, so he changed the subject.

"So, it's a nice place they've given you, but I thought BTS all lived together?"

"They do, next door."

He looked questioningly at her.

"There's not enough room, so they've got to clear some space before I can move in."

"Haven't you been here for a while already?"

"Three months."


"It's okay. Really. I don't mind."

"Are they treating you okay?"

She didn't know how to answer that.

"BTS are known for being some of the kindest boys in the industry. I thought they would look after you."

"They... They just didn't want an 8th member."

"Why would Bang PD push this on them then? And that's no reason to take it out of you!"

"I just need to prove myself. If I show my worth, that I can contribute something to the group, then maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe they'll accept me."

He looked at her sadly. She always worked so hard, but she never felt as though she was good enough. Even after being picked to join the biggest group in the world, she didn't feel like she deserved it.

When it was time for him to go, she walked him to the door of her apartment and opened the door.

"Thank you for coming over. I know we aren't that close..."

"Anytime. I mean it. Anytime you need a friend call me, okay?"


"I've been told I have to give you a hug."


"No, those guys are too chicken for that."

They both laughed. That made more sense, as the two boys back in China had never given her a hug before.

But she could really use a hug right now. She was so close to asking for one anyway, but she managed to stop herself. It had been really nice of him to come and visit her, she didn't want to overstep.

"Would you like one anyway?"

When he opened up his arms in invitation, she immediately stepped into them, wrapping her arms around his waist. It felt so nice to be hugged again, so comforting to have physical contact with someone after a lonely few months. Much to her dismay, it made her emotional.

"Thank you."

He pulled back so he could look at her.

"It will get better, and if it doesn't tell me and I will sort them out, okay?"

She chuckled whilst wiping a few tears from her cheeks.


Someone cleared their throat.

They both turned to see BTS outside of their apartment door, glancing at them.

Lay silently asked her if she was okay, and she nodded. He patted her on the head as they said goodbye. She watched as he glared at the members of BTS as he walked past them and she quickly went back inside her apartment closing the door behind her.

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