The Invitation

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After the meeting, she spent the rest of the day smiling. Two of her songs had been chosen to be included in their album. The songs still needed a lot of work, so that might change, but she was still ecstatic with the news.

When she got home that evening she decided to celebrate by treating herself to her favourite food in Korea: fried chicken. Ever since she joined BTS she had been on a strict diet and exercise routine, which had meant no fried foods.

While she ate, she listened to TXT's latest album. Although she had listened to some of their songs before, their song 0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) had been put on her radar because of Namjoon working on it. It became one of her favourite songs, and she loved their new song LO$ER=LOVER too.

She was just finishing off her fried chicken when her doorbell rang. Since her food had already been delivered, she wasn't expecting anyone else that evening. She quickly washed her hands before going to open the door. When she did she found two smiling faces: Jin and Hoseok.


"Umm, hello Seokjin-ssi, Hoseok-ssi."

"You don't need to be so formal with us, you know."

She pursed her lips slightly. Jin was older than her, but there was no way she was calling him Oppa, perhaps Sunbae, if he insisted.

"Did you need something?"

"Err, well, we're having a sort of game night and we wondered if you would like to join us?"

"Game night?"

"Yeah, it's rare we're all in at the same time, so we thought we'd do something together."

"And you want me to come and join you?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Of course... Okay, sure, when do you do want me to come over?"

"Oh, well, is now okay?"

"Now? Yeah, just give me a minute."

She went in and turned off the music which was still playing. Before she left she wondered if she should bring something with her. Opening the kitchen cupboards, she didn't see a lot of options. Generally, she didn't buy many snacks because if she didn't buy them then she couldn't eat them. She debated for a second before grabbing what she had. It wouldn't last the seven boys very long, but it made her feel better than turning up with nothing.

When she got back to her front door the two boys were still there and they immediately smiled at her. They were acting rather strangely and now she was suspicious that the invitation wasn't as innocent as they made it seem. 


"Are those for us?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I brought some snacks. I hope they're okay?"

"They're great! Kookie, in particular, will be very appreciative."

"That boy never stops eating!"

She followed Jin and Hoseok into their apartment. The rest of BTS were sitting around the kitchen table, a bunch of games in the centre. The two boys sat down first, leaving the only free seat next to Jungkook. She noticed some of the boys trying to hide their smiles as they glanced towards her and Jungkook. Perhaps the seating arrangement was purposely set up this way.


"Glad you could join us."

"Thank you for inviting me. I brought some snacks."

"You didn't have to bring anything."

"That's very nice of you though."

"Kook, I can see you eyeing them from here. Go on, we'll let you have first pick."

"That's okay, Hyung."

"No, we insist."

She wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but she had a feeling that they were teasing the youngest.

"Take your pick, Jungkook-ssi, unless there's nothing you like?"

"Oh, that's not... Thank you, Noona."

It was the first time Jungkook had spoken to her directly. It was also the first time someone had called her Noona. She stared at him, slightly shocked, while he gingerly chose a snack.

"Noona?! When did you two become so close?"

At Jimin's words, she watched as Jungkook's eyes widened.

"I... I'm sorry. I don't know... I didn't... Sorry."

She smiled as Jungkook tripped over himself trying to apologise.

"It's okay, Jungkook. You can call me Noona, if it means you'll talk to me."

"You're very nice, Noona."

She almost cooed out loud at how cute the young boy was being.

"So, are we going to play a game, or what?"

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