Chapter Twenty Four

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"Let's go" Niragi motioned to the stairs with his head, starting to walk in that direction.

Takara followed closely behind him, holding her gun close. They got to the bottom of the stairs before a slight shuffle of movement could be heard near the entry door. The two of them stopped dead in their tracks, trying to back up behind the closest wall for cover.

They peered round to see a warden cautiously walking down towards them. Niragi put his finger to his lips, telling Takara to be quiet, before slowly making an advance towards the warden. When he had a clear shot, Niragi fired three shots in the direction of the warden, all three of them hitting their intended target.

Takara emerged from behind the wall to see the wardens lifeless body lying on the ground. She stared at the body in front of her. She still hadn't gotten used to people dying in this world, but a person should never get used to seeing such horrific things.

"Still have some feelings of remorse in you, huh?" Niragi called over to Takara, a sick smile on his face.

"They're bastards who are trying to kill us, they get what they deserve" his tone was cold with no trace of empathy, it was hard to hear the reality of their situation put into such harsh words.

They both headed towards the entryway that led on to the main hallway area, being ready to fire at any sign of movement. Before they had the chance to leave the cell block, Takara grabbed Niragi's arm after spotting something nailed into the wall out of the corner of her eye.

A map of the entire prison hung on the wall to the right of them, which brought a smile to Takara's face. With this, they wouldn't be blindly running around the prison hopelessly.

"Quick, where's the warden's office?" she asked Niragi, both of them now scanning the map for the room.

"There, on the first floor" Niragi pointed at the map, they now knew where to go.

"If I take these stairs here" he moved his hand over to the west stairs, " and you take these stairs" he then motioned to the east stairs, "we can cover both routes, it's better to split up and meet back up on the first floor" he explained his plan to Takara, who nodded at every word he said.

"Now I'll make a lot of noise so that they follow after me, and you can sneak up the other way. Try not to use your gun or they'll head back in your direction" he turned and looked at Takara to see if she understood.

She looked up at him, giving him a look of agreement.

"Look at you, following my every order, it suits you" he teased, giving her a smirk.

"Shut up, let's do this" she sharply replied, taking her gun strap and putting it over her head, manoeuvring her gun onto her back.

"Wait, take this" he held out a switchblade for her to take.

Takara gave him a quiet thank you, securing the blade in one of her pockets. They slowly edged round the corner of the cell block, looking down the large hallway for any wardens. Seeing that no one else was around, they quickly ran over to another wall in front of them for cover.

As soon as they had made their way to the next wall, Takara peeked her head round the corner to see a warden standing in the doorway of the entrance hallway. And they were looking right at her. A round of shots fired directly at her as she whipped her head back behind the wall.

"Shit" she said through gritted teeth.

"Move, I'll take care of them" Niragi sounded annoyed that Takara had been so careless with her movements.

He pushed her to the side and readied his gun. In one sudden movement he came round the corner of the wall and fired out several shots. One landed in the wardens leg making them fall to their knees.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now