Chapter Twenty

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Takara stormed after the blonde down the empty road, seeing him slow down as he approached the car. He had his back to her as she had now caught up to him, he went to turn to face her. Once they were face to face she shoved him by the shoulders making his back hit the car behind him.

"What the hell was that in there?! You almost got me killed!" She yelled at him, finally being able to let her anger out.

"I got sent here with you to test you on your ability to complete games. And that's exactly what I did" He spoke calmly, like he always did.

"And what if I had died huh? That would've been on you" She pointed her finger into his chest.

"But you didn't die"

"That's not the point-" Takara was interrupted by Chishiya's stern voice.

"If you had died then you obviously weren't meant to stay at the beach."

Takara was silent for a moment, not believing the harshness of the boy standing opposite to her. Her silence gave Chishiya the chance to continue.

"If I wanted to, I could've easily pointed at Kaiyo's stack as well and ruined your attempt at stealing. It was an obvious play from you, seeing as you would only condemn a person to death if you felt like they deserved it."

"No one deserves to die," Takara rebutted.

"Maybe so, but he was more deserving of that fate in your eyes seeing as he got that girl killed. As soon as it happened, I saw the look on your face. It was clear you decided on killing him there and then."

"I didn't kill him, he lost the game and that's what killed him" She refused to have the guilt of Kaiyo dying being on her shoulders.

Chishiya smirked at her reply.

"Whatever makes you feel better" Still smirking as he spoke.

Neither of them spoke to each other after that, choosing to wait for the others in silence. Takara was still angry at him, the fact that he was trying to act like he hadn't done anything wrong had gotten under her skin.

They waited for ten minutes for the others they had driven there with, and still they hadn't uttered a word to each other. Takara had been kicking the loose pieces of gravel around with her foot to keep her distracted while they waited. Another five minutes passed and Chishiya decided to speak.

"We should go. They're not coming" His monotone voice cut through the tense air.

Takara looked up from the ground to see Chishiya staring at her. She nodded at him before getting into the front passenger seat while Chishiya took the driver's seat.

She had been too busy trying to ignore him that she hadn't noticed he had been holding out something to her. She looked up from her seatbelt to see him holding out a piece of cloth for her to take.

"You're still covered in Kaiyo's blood," He said, staring at the splatters that littered Takara's face.

She looked between him and the cloth before taking it from his hand, giving him a small thanks in reply.

She brought down the sun visor in the car and opened up the mirror on it, quickly faced with the state of her own face. There was a long streak of blood that went across her face, which had been caused from the impact of the laser striking Kaiyo down. She had smaller splashes across the rest of her face making her look like a complete mess.

Takara continued to wipe her face while Chishiya started up the car and headed in the direction they came from. The drive had been quiet while Takara had been cleaning herself up. She had always been a stubborn person, so speaking up first was not something she was about to do.

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