Chapter Fifteen

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After spending the day with her new friends, evening was fast approaching and Takara left for her room to go get ready.

She took a quick shower and after getting out and drying herself, she took a quick look at her healing wound from the clubs game. She dabbed it clean from her shower, noticing that it had mostly scabbed over now. It looked gross, but at least she couldn't see any signs of infection.

As her room was still new and had no medical supplies, she had to improvise in finding a bandage until she found the nurses office at the beach. She rummaged through a few of the drawers that had some belongings leftover from whoever had occupied this room before Takara. Spying some black cloth at the back of one of the drawers, she pulled it out and ripped it to a smaller, thinner size that could wrap around her arm.

"That'll have to do" She spoke to herself as she tightened the makeshift bandage around her forearm.

After finishing with her bandage she headed to her closet to find something new to wear. She went through each of her swimsuits and settled on a black, criss cross two piece and threw on some black shorts over the top of the bikini bottoms.

Grabbing some shoes and heading out the door, she made her way to the elevator and waited for it to arrive at her floor. She had told Daichi to wait for her on the bottom floor so he could show her where the bar was.

They walked through the dining hall and down another corridor where booming music could be heard ahead. They kept walking until they were met with large metal doors that had been swung open. The music had gotten even louder since walking down the corridor and was emanating from inside the metal doored room.

Before entering the room, Daichi took Takara's hand in his and with that, they walked in. The whole place was filled with people dancing and drinking, Takara could feel the vibrations from the music going straight through her. They both saw Kaito wave them over to where he stood by the bar.

"Hey I'm getting us all shots to start the night off right!" Kaito yelled over the music to the both of them.

Once the bartender got round to serving the group and they all had a shot and a drink, the five of them raised their shot glasses before Daichi spoke.

"To the angel who saved me, and our new found friend, Takara!"

They all cheered, clinking their shot glasses together and downed the shot.

The bitterness of the liquid made Takara scrunch up her face in disgust as she swallowed, the taste lingering in her mouth. She hadn't had alcohol in a while, so she knew it wouldn't take long for her to start feeling the effects from it.

The group all chatted and had a few more shots before heading onto the dancefloor. It felt like Takara was finally letting loose after having to fight for her life, she knew she would have to face the games again soon but for tonight, she'd just have a bit of fun.

They had been dancing for what felt like hours before some of them started to bail, but Takara wanted to stay for as long as possible. It got so late in the night that it was just Daichi and Takara left out of the five of them still at the bar.

"Takara please, we need to both get some sleep" he sounded desperate.

"Let's just have one more shot" Takara ignored his words and started to walk back over to the bar.

"Takara we really need to go" he spoke a little stricter this time, hoping to get through to her.

"You can go Daichi but I'm staying, I'll be okay here on my own for a bit longer" she waved her hand around in an attempt to make him stop pestering her.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now