Chapter 6

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I blinked away from my silent thoughts when the door opened and Brenna walked in. Same white clothes, same pathetic hair. The only thing that stopped me from completely despising her was the slight hint of my sister's features whenever she smiled.

"I'm not sure if you're worried, but I am," she told me, hands folded in front of her. "You have not used your gift for so long. We're worried that you're not ready for this."

She was right. Although my mind could still remember the last time I used my gift, my body may struggle after being utterly useless for two centuries. Using magic required not just a strong, focused mind, but also physical strength. I could feel my crux humming in my pocket, felt it connected to my core, but could it do its job without draining me?

I had not had the chance to try it. Even if I wanted to, Akiko and Spinett were not the perfect victims. If something went wrong, I'd have to pay the consequences. Around them, I had to at least make the impression that I was following the rules.

"I'm certain you'll be there if something goes wrong," I told Brenna.

"Of course." She studied me in my stiff white dress for a while before nodding. "Akiko, Spinett, and I will be there."

"If that's the case, shall we?"

She stopped me with a gentle hold. "Aster, if you're unsure about this, we can always ask them to reschedule."

"No," I said with a smile, gently pulling away from her hand. "I want everyone to stop questioning my abilities."

"We're not questioning your abilities."

I smiled at her. "That's nice to hear, but I know that the stories about me are not enough. I have to prove that I'm more than just the witch who slept for two centuries."

She frowned at me. "Where is this coming from? Has anyone said anything to you?"

"No, of course not. I have not talked to anyone except you, Akiko, and Spinett."

"Then have we said anything that made you think this way?"

Oh, this foolish girl. "No. In fact, the three of you have been nothing but a source of strength." She looked away when I smiled. As if she found something alarming there. "Shall we go?"

"If you're ready."

"I am," I lied, because I did not feel well at all. The insatiable thirst was back, and I felt feverish.

Once more, she escorted me out of Windsor and into a flying vehicle. For some time, we traveled along the top of shiny buildings. I got the chance to glimpse the Old London. Dark smoke hovered above old pointed towers, probably shrouding the city below in eternal darkness. I wondered if it was still the same London I knew. Who stayed there? Who left?


Akiko and Spinett were already waiting on the side of the road when we arrived. We were once more shadowed by the tall buildings of Genesis City. I made a tight fist with my hands and stretched them, hoping to feel a little better. I didn't. As another vehicle zoomed past us, I felt the world tilting below my feet. The sound blew my ears off, but everyone else seemed fine with it.

I steadied myself and pushed my hand inside my pocket, grabbing my crux. It helped.

"Ready?" Akiko asked with her ever pleasant smile.

I swallowed, hoping it would ease the burning in my chest, and nodded as I looked around.

No one stopped to gape this time. There were a few people in the streets at this time of day. Through the giant windows in my room, I had studied the city's predictable behavior. Early mornings were always busy. Midday, the streets were nearly empty. Early evening, they would all step out of these buildings, and by nighttime, neon lights would flicker and light up the city until before midnight, when everyone would be in their beds, ready for the halo's spell.

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