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The next day

I went back to the house in the morning. "Master Regulus." Kreacher came running up to me smiling. Mother and Father were staying at my aunt and uncles, so they left Kreacher all alone. "Master Regulus has come to see Kreacher?" "Yeah, and I've bought you something." I always give Kreacher gifts when I've been gone for a long time. "What did Master Regulus get for Kreacher?" I got out a packet of 'jelly babies' and gave it to him. "What is it?" "They're called Jelly Babies, they're like the things we get from Honeydukes." "Muggle Babies?" "NO, not real." He opened the packet. "What is Master Regulus favourite 'jelly baby'" "The red one." "Ah, the most blood." "No Kreacher, not real babies." "Thank you Master Regulus, Kreacher likes the, jelly baby." "No problem Kreacher, im glad you like them." "A-A big dog came in and broke Dear Mistress's stuff yesterday, Kreacher really tried to get it out, but it was too big for Kreacher." He looked so sad. "That's alright Kreacher, mistakes happen, I'll fix it okay?" "Thank you Master Regulus." I went over to the broken vase and fixed it with a spell. I then gave Kreacher another packet of Jelly babies and left.

Jams was still asleep. I got into the bed and grabbed my book. I read for about four or five minutes and the James woke up. "Hey love, where were you?" "I went to visit Kreacher, a big black dog broke things in the house." "Oh it did, did it." "Yup, he was really shaken up about it too, practically in tears when he told me." "Poor thing." "So, you going to get up?" "Yeah, im still tired though." "C'est la vie." "What?" "That's life." James got off of the bed and put on his glasses. I stayed in bed, as I was already dressed. "So, whats your plan for today?" "Not too sure, might stay in here for a bit, then go out and mee with Dora." "Can I tag along?" "Sure, Dora wont mind." "Good, and does she know?" "Nope, but im going to tell her today." "Oh, Your probably going to want to talk to Sirius today." "Why is that?" "Because of well, yesterday." "Why does that mean I need to engage with him? If he'd like to talk to me, he can come up to me." "If you say so." James sat down next to me. "Est-ce bon?" "Much better, have you been practicing?" "Its worth it if I can gossip about people with you and Sirius." "That would be a plus." "Told you." A letter flew through the window and outside the window was a small snowy owl with pink and blue highlights in its feathers. I walked over to it and gave it some seeds. "Whose owl is that?" "Pandora." "Really? I've never heard of a Slytherin who like colour." "Pans really is different to the others." I wrote down a reply and sent it with the owl. I went and sat down next to James again.

James lay his head off of the bed. "Im bored as fuck." "Go speak to Sirius and Remus." "Pads and Moony are probably snogging." "Then knock." "Ew, no." "Then study or something, I don't know." "You seriously think im going to study during Christmas break." "Well, no, but I was just saying things I'd do." "You study during Christmas." "I've never really celebrated Christmas properly." "You're joking Reg." "I grew up with fully devoted death eaters, what do you think." "You've never built a snowman" "No" "Never made gingerbread cookies?" "Never?" "Never decorated a Christmas tree?" "Nope." "WHAT." "Its not that big of a deal, its just Christmas." "Just, Christmas. JUST, CHRISTMAS?" "Oh shut up. Its not like its that amazing." "It is THAT amazing, ask Remus." "I'd never really liked it though, so I never showed any interest." "You are just about one of the most uncultured people I've ever met." "You care that much about stupid holidays?" "I've been brought up to treat muggle holidays with upmost importance." "Well, you're you and im not, so deal with it, I don't like Christmas." "I'd smack you if I you weren't my boyfriend." "Is that a good thing?" "I guess so." "Je te hais." "Je t'aime aussi." "That was terrible pronunciation, but I get what you mean." James just smiled and shuffled up closer to me. "What are you doing?" "What, am I not aloud to be around my boyfriend?" "Personal space." "Muet." "Lovely accent." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "There's like eight days until Christmas, Right?" "Yeah, why?" "And we go back on the third of January." "Yep, fourteen days." "Fourteen days of this, and then back to hating each other." "Not necessarily." "What do you mean?" "We can still go to your dorm, or the astronomy tower, or an old classroom, or broom closet, or-" "James, how the hell do you know of all of these places?" "Don't worry." I just look at him, a blank stare. "These all work, only the classrooms for after curfew, or there are 7th years smoking in there." "Im not going to question how you know that." There was shouting coming from outside the window. "EUPHEMIA IF THERE IS ANY MORE NOISE I WILL CALL THE POLICE." "Now, Sharon, theres no need to do that, it was only one time." "TELL THOSE TRAMPS OF YOURS TO BE QUIET, THEY'RE UP ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT." "Sharon, you said they were being loud at nine, that's hardly too late." "LET ME SPEAK TO FLEAMONT, hes much more rational than you." She practically spat that last bit out. "Fleamont is at work, I can send my son out if you'd like to talk with somebody other than me." "if I have to, hopefully he takes after Fleamont and not you." Effie walked into the house and yelled for James to come down. "Mum, im busy." "I cant take the muggle police again." He sighed and put on a coat and went outside. "James," he turned to look at me. "Im coming with you, id like to meet 'Sharon'." "Oh, you'll hate her." We both ran downstairs and went outside and shut the door.

"Finally, somebody who is even half as rational as Fleamont." "Hi Sharon, what is the problem with my mother now?" "She's being very irresponsible, letting you come into the house at terrible hours." "How late at night are you talking about." "Around nine to ten pm. Im seventy-two, I need my sleep." I but in. "We'll make sure to not stay out past seven o'clock." She looked at me with disgust, then looked back at James. "I wanted to talk to you alone." "Well, im sorry, but this is the one you are referring to as coming out at 'all hours of the night'." I gave her a nasty smile. "I hope you know your friends with a very irresponsible young man James, I advise you to stay away from this one, and the other two, you don't want to hang out with the," She eyed me up and down. "the wrong sort." "Sorry what did you say Sharon?" James stood in front of me slightly, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He looked at me, clearly annoyed, it was slightly attractive. "Im sorry, I'll make the effort in coming back earlier. For now, please take these." I took out a bowl of sweets from the table near the door. The bowl was filled with Acid Pops, Puking Pastels, Cockroach Clusters and Firey Black Pepper Imps. She took the bowl and gave me a fake smile, I did the same. "A way of repenting for what I've done." "Well, if you do it again, you'll soon be hearing from the coppers." "Thank you." She left and James just looked at me in disbelief. "Did you just?" "She clearly has a sweet tooth, and I changed the labels. So she'll have a fun time with it." "What did you put in it?" "Acid Pops, Puking Pastels, Cockroach Clusters and Fiery Black Pepper Imps." "You are cruel." "Thank you Jamie." I gave him a flirty smile and walked back inside. Effie was staring at me and came and gave me a hug. "Thank you, Thank you. How ever did you get rid of her, and what did you give her?" "I apologised and gave her a few sweets as a token of gratitude for not calling the police." I took one of each sweet that the bowl contained. Effie just laughed and hugged me again. "Oh, and I put a hex on the bowl, so when she realises if she calls the police she wont have any evidence. The bowl will go over to Kreacher, as he loves all of the sweets in the bowl." James just smiled at me. "What? She called me 'the wrong sort' I mean its true, but im not going to let that slide." "Its just cute." "ShUt up." My voice cracked in the most embarrassing way possible in that moment. I smacked him on the arm and Effie was looking at me with a smirk. "Mothers know everything Regulus, don't forget that." I just looked at James, annoyed.



Regulus walked upstairs and mum came closer to me, "James," She looked worried. "Whats the stuff oh his arms, not the mark there's more stuff." "What? Im not sure about what you're talking about." "It looks like he cuts. There are a lot of scars all over his arm." My heart sinks. He wouldn't do that, would he? "No, I mean, I don't think so. He does well," I looked at my mum. "He does what James?" "He takes pills and stuff, but I didn't think he'd ever go that far." "Go check up on him James." "Okay, but mum." She looks straight at me. "Don't tell anybody, especially Sirius, im the only one who knows." "Okay honey, now go up there." I smile at my mum and go back upstairs. I walk into the room and see him sitting on the mattress, going through his suitcase. I look at his arm, and there are a bunch of scars on the inside of his wrist. I went and sat down next to him. "Jamie, I need your honest opinion. This one, or this one." He held up two jumpers, one green and cropped, and the other black and oversized. They were both long sleeved, I thought for a while. Every jumper or hoodie or jacket he owns is long sleeved, he always wears jumpers, even if it is too hot. This is one of the only times ive seen him without a jumper on. "James, hello?" I regain a sense of reality and look at him. "what was the question?" "This jumper, or this one." "The first one." "Okay, thanks." "|Reg, you know that im here if you need to talk, right?" "Yeah." "A-And I wont judge or criticize anything you do, bad or good." "What are you trying to say Jamie?" "Regulus, I need you to stay calm when I ask you this." "Okay, should I be worried?" I move closer to him and put my arm around him. I don't look at him and I just ask. "Whats all the stuff on your arms." I felt him tense up. He looked at his arm and I think he only just realized that he ws wearing something fully showing the slits on his wrist. "W-What do you mean Jamie, the tattoo?" I look at him and just hug him. "You know what 'm talking about Reg." He just stays still. "Stay calm, m not going to ask anything, im not going to tell anybody. I just want to let you know that I saw, and if you want to talk about anything, you can." "He just loosened up a bit and whispered to me. "Okay." and lay his head on my shoulder for a While.

I read through a lot of it and I saw that it is cringe asf. COMPLETE MERDE. I edited a lot to make it better so yeah, ok ilysm bye


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