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Regulus POV


"Hey Regulus, who's that staring at you from Gryffindor table?" Barty pointed almost exactly opposite me "Don't worry about it." I look up and lock eyes with none other than Sirius Black. I stand up and leave. Feeling my friends watch me leaving. As I brush past Gryffindor table I see all the marauders stare me down like a zoo animal.


I go into the toilets and sit down next to the sinks. I sit with my knees pressed against my chest, and my head pressed against them. I feel a tear fall down my cheek, then another, then I just let everything out. I start hyperventilating and end up having a full on panic attack. I hear the door open, and someone sit down next to me. "Just breathe, follow me. In, and out. In, and out." We do that a few times until I calm down slightly. "Let it all out Reg." I hear Barty whisper softly.

About a minute of silence goes by until I finally decide to say something. "That boy that was staring at me, he's my brother. And he ran away. Hasn't come back since last Christmas and, well, my parents. They got upset with me and they got worse. Both of them doing it to me at the same time. I-" Barty cut me off. "Its okay. You don't need to continue explaining if you don't want to. We can just stay here for a while." "What about potions?" "Seriously, do you really want to go to class right now?" "Well, no." "So Fuck potions." "Therapist Barty is here And Evan can go be a loser and go to class while we stay here, does that sound good?" "Yeah." "So that's what we'll do." "Okay."


I'm sitting down next to Barty. He's stick following me around like a lost puppy, I appreciate it though. I see Pandora walk up to us and sat down at the Slytherin table, nobody cares about the assigned tables anymore. "Hey Reg." "Hey." "So, Barty told me what happened." "Oh." "What would you say if five people go to a muggle park and get some ice cream." "Who would those students be exactly?" "Well. Three Slytherin boys, One Slytherin girl, Three Gryffindor girls And one extremely smart and elegant Ravenclaw girl." "Right after lunch, astronomy tower, don't be late." "Yes, Reggie you are so much more fun in your big age." "I know." "MARLENE, MARY ITS ON." The girls replied with a high five and a wave.


"What's on?" James asked. "A Little secret." James stared blankly at me "What, sad that you and your friends don't know how to have fun?" "Awwww poor Jamie wamie, cant go and have fun with his friends. I feel bad for you." Mary chimed in, now pouting at James. "Bye Losers, were leaving." I said as we got up. After that we left. 

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