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Sirius'  POV

We finally got there at 10:55pm. We ran out of the car and then saw Remus, Peter and Lily. "HURRY UP" Lily yelled as they all ran the others ran through to the platform. We had just made it through the train door. We were all panting as we walked through the corridor to get to an empty Carriage. We got staired at as we were walking down past the carriages. I could hear murmurs. " Are those are the marauders?" "Didn't they get expelled for that prank on McGonagall" " I Guess we're famous now, aren't we pads." Remus whispers in my ear, " I guess we are moony." I reply.

We find our usual carriage empty, as per usual, and we go to sit down. We see Marlene and Mary walk past. James yelled out to them and invited them in.



We're sitting down in our carriage. Moony (Remus) beside me, Padfoot (Sirius) beside him, Wormy (Peter), Lily and Marlene opposite me and Mary sitting on the ground. Marlene is ranting about Dorcas, as usual, something about Dorcas and her sister Elizabeth (I searched it up but idk if she actually has a sister) but I wasn't really paying attention. Moony and Padfoot whispering to each other. And oh my merlin Padfoot went redder then a tomato.  It was quite funny actually. Someone walked past our carriage and it looked like Padfoot followed them with his eyes. It was too quick but it looked like someone in a slytherin tie on. Im not sure but the more I think, the more I know who it was. Padfoot looks noticeably upset now. I put my hand on his shoulder and make him flinch at the touch. He gives a half smile then proceeds to look at Moony then the start talking, again



"Oh my merlin Reggie I cannot stand you looking so grouchy all the time." "Don't call me that Barty or It may result in me doing the unthinkable." " You wouldn't dare." He responds in an overly dramatic tone. "Are you sure Bartemius Crouch Jr."  he kicked my leg, "Ow." The look on his face was worth it. "You cant go assaulting people like that Bartemius." Oh Cant I Regulus Arcturus Black?" "Oh my merlin you didn't just say that." "Oh yes I did Reggie, and I will call you that until Christmas until you take It Back." "Fine Barty it is." "That's more like it." "Now we eat," I sigh "I mean it reg"

Sorry its so short I have criminally bad writers block. I will hopefully update soon. bya lovelys


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