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Once inside the Pizzaplex the three of you were able to walk together to the greenrooms but had to split up there. Nick to Chica's room, Riley to Roxy's and you to Montys.

You were excited, day number two was gonna be better than day one.

You did get there a little early, it being only 4:30. But that just means you had time to talk to Monty before you had to start letting kids in. You were determined to make sure that you both had a good day.

Using your pass to open the door you entered Montys room to see him sitting on his sofa, legs spread with his head back and his eyes closed.

Was he... Sleeping? Could robots sleep? rest mode maybe?

"You're early." He grunted.

Well that answers that.

"Uhm.. yeah I had a ride" you answered him sitting down in the chair by his vanity.

Montys brows scrunched together, "you walk here?"

"Mhm, always have. I dont have a car."

He was talking to you. Thats a good sign compared to last night. lets just keep it going.

"So Freddy asked you to sign an internship knowing you'd be walking alone at night after the shift? Just so he could see you?" Monty finally looked at you but his expression was blank.

You shrugged, "its no big deal. Nothings ever happened and I mean i didn't think you guys even knew walking at night alone could be risky." Freddy knew you walked but you never talked about how dangerous it could be after dark.

You were scared he'd stop telling you to stay at the pizzaplex so late if knew.

"We have access to the internet you know... Trust me, we know..." Monty crossed his arms.

His expression had gone from blank to a frown. well that's the opposite of what you were aiming for dammit.

"Well I'm always safe. Like i said nothing has ever happened," you shrugged it off and fixed your hair in his mirror. plus maybe Freddy just trusted you'd be careful.

You caught Monty's reflection glaring at you. He looked like he wanted to say something but instead just went back to laying his head back and closing his eyes.

Its not like your neighborhood was high in criminal activity. Youd be fine, plus you had a ride now.

So nothing to worry about.

You finished fixing your hair, and quietly stood up creeping slowly over to Monty.

"I can hear you moving ya know? you're not being sneaky..." He grumbled but thankfully kept his eyes closed.

"Oh really? so it wont surprise you when I do this?" You jumped on the sofa next to him and gave him a big surprise hug.

Montys eyes snapped open, immediately trying to pull away from you. he moved so fast you thought the two of you would fall off the couch but luckily that didn't happen and you maintained a death grip around his neck.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He hissed grabbing at your hands to try and pry them apart.

He was unsuccessful. the only way you'd let go is if he broke your hands and you knew he wouldn't.

"Hugging you, duh" what a silly question.

"Okay, I got that part. but why?" Monty gave up trying to get free amd instead sat very awkwardly keeping his hands away from you.

poor guy was so desperate to get free, his tail made that clear with its choppy movements. But you needed him to accept your hug.

"You looked sad and I'm forgiving you for being mean last night."

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now