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With Monty gone you turned to Freddy, a little annoyed with him. You've never been annoyed by freddy before but today he was a being well... He was being kinda petty.

"I get you two dont like each other but, Why would you do that? Why slap him and instigate him further, surely you know he has anger issues?" You snapped at Freddy but tried to keep your tone calm.

Freddy frowned. "He was disrespecting you y/n..."

"Yeah I know. I appreciate you sticking up for me, but maybe take a less violent approach...ya?"

Freddy grabbed your hand, "im sorry my Superstar. You're right though i shouldn't have reacted like that..." He gave you an apologetic smile rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.

You sighed running a hand through your hair, "im not mad. Just keep in mind im gonna be around him a lot, maybe its best not to anger him for a while..."

"You will tell me if he oversteps any boundaries right?" Freddy asked.

"Of course. Not that ill let him, he just wants to get a rise out of you. He literally told me that, dont give him the satisfaction of a reaction..."

Freddy nodded, "as you wish my Superstar. I wont let him get to me again."

"Good..." You hugged Freddy, relaxing when he put his arms around you.

"I have to get back my Superstar but i hope to see you later tonight," he spoke to you softly making you smile.

"Okay. I hope so too..."

Freddy kissed your forehead before speeding off back to the chaos of the pizzaplex. You sat back down at your table and groaned.

Its only day one and its already been stressful. It was barely even noon.

You got up and wandered around to see if you could find Monty but after and hour of looking he was nowhere to be seen. Not like itd be hard to miss him either, he stood out a lot.

Wondering if maybe he went to his room, you made your way to the greenrooms. His curtains were shut tight, so you tried the door. Knocking on it lightly.

You didn't get a response.

Your tried again, knocking harder this time.

As you were about to give it one last attempt, the door slid open and Monty seemed surprised to see you but quickly masked that, let out a huff and moved to close the door.

But you weren't having it.

You quickly used your height to your advantage and crawled under his legs into the room and stood back up behind him.

The gator spun around and crossed his arms visibly annoyed.

"Its not five yet. Go away." He snapped.

"Not yet. I gotta talk to you." You mimicked him and crossed your arms.

"Y/n i swear to god If its about earlier I dont care. So again, go away" Monty pointed angrily towards the door.

"Do i have to do the pouting thing again? Cause i will." You were just as stubborn as him.

And youd make him realize that soon enough.

Monty made a motion with his hands like he wanted to squeeze the life out of you but ultimately let out an exasperated sigh and waved his hand towards the couch.

"Have a fuckin seat i guess and hurry up."

You snickered plopping down onto the sofa, "Ya know for someone who almost smashed my skull youd think youd be a little nicer."

"You're the one who was dumb enough to jump in front of an angry animatronic. Like seriously. Keep in mind even if i hurt Freddy, he can be repaired. You cannot. So dont be so stupid maybe?"

You couldn't tell if Monty actually worried about your safety considering his rudeness, but he was back to avoiding eye contact with you. So maybe it bothered him knowing he almost killed you.

"I admit, wasnt my smartest move. But it was instinctive. I didn't really think about it at the time." You shrugged.

You were over the almost dead thing.

Monty rolled his eyes, "is that what you came here for? To get on my ass for almost killing you?"

"No actually... I wanted to see if you were ok."

"If What?" Montys eyes returned to yours finally and he had a dumfounded look on his face, like asking him if he was ok was weird.

"I wanted to see... If you were ok?" You repeated not really sure how he was confused.

"I... I'm... Uhm.." Monty stuttered over his words.

He froze, dropped his shoulders from any tension he was holding and sighed, "it doesn't matter, princess."

"Sure it does. I mean we may not be friends but freddy was a little uncalled for... Granted so were you but he kept instigating it when i tried to calm you down... So..." You stood up to stand in front of him, "...I ask again. Are you ok?"

Montys eyes moved as he scanned your face. Like he wasn't sure if you were being serious or not.

Finally with a small smile he said, "yes y/n. I'm okay..."

You smiled, "good."

You dont think hes actually smiled until now.

"I should probably get back out there i suppose.." Monty frowned looking towards the door.

"Probably. Im sure lots of kids would love to see you."

"Eh. Maybe."

"Oh come on, you aint that scary and kids love you so get out there and make them happy!"

Monty was silent, looking at you with an unreadable expression. Smirking he shook his head like he couldn't believe something and motioned you to go to the door.

"Fine, youre right, princess. Lets go."

Monty followed you out and the two of you parted ways.

You didn't have a lot of time to really go home so you decided to just go back to your table and find a way to entertain yourself for the next hour or so.

Instead you fell asleep...

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now