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Just a few of the many names I've had to grow accustomed to hearing on a daily basis. Wether it be from little kids, teenagers... Adults. Mostly adults.

Can't say I blame them, I do have a tendency to struggle with controlling my anger. Im not good in stressful situations either... And tend to snap in a violent manner...

Sometimes I feel like they're right. That im just some violent Monster...

I feel like a monster the most after an episode... Usually all I remember is seeing red... And then the disaster I've caused out of destroying my room. I never mean to let it get that bad...

At some point I thought I could get a handle on my anger. I was really trying...

But my efforts were stomped on when he fucked up. When he made a mistake and couldn't own up to it and instead made me take the fall for his fuck up.

After that night, my chances at gaining a more positive image went down the drain. Most likely forever.

How could I redeem myself for being known as the one who killed Bonnie?

Not like I could tell the truth.

No one would believe the violent monster over their precious Fazbear Star.

Even Roxy had turned her back on me...

And aside from Bonnie, she was the only one who made me feel like I had someone.

After coming to the cruel realization that I was nothing but a monster to everyone I said fuck it.

I'll be that fucking monster.

Its easier to be cold and hostile anyways.

I dont need anyone but myself.

It wasnt all bad I suppose, being the villain and all. I still had my own little group of fans that saw me as a rockstar and adored me.

Like now, sitting in my room visiting with excited little humans was my favorite part of the day. Because I was away from judgemental eyes and surrounded by little kids who looked up to me.

Guess it just felt nice to be myself and put down my walls for a little while.

All I had to do was play my bass for these little ones and suddenly, I was like a hero to them just for playing a measly little instrument.

Smiling I couldn't help but feel the need to glance up.

My eyes drawn to a girl.

She was older, and looked very out of place being in a line full of kids waiting to visit the others.

It clicked though when I realized which line she was in.


Frowning I glared at the h/c head, watching her panicked eyes quickly look away from mine.


Not a fan of people staring at me.

Although, she definitely seemed new. What is she like, groupie number three? Nah i think its four.

Honestly I don't really make it a priority to keep track.

And for a while, I completely forgot all about her.

That is till later in the day, when I spotted her. I was on my way to a spot Bonnie had shown me once. I usually went there to be alone for a while but for some reason I slowed down when I saw her.

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