《Prologue- Chapter 2》

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Note- I'll be changing my writing style every now and then to see what is best for me, so apologies if the sudden style change confuses or annoys you.


Y/N stood out from the crowd of students rather awkwardly, in his opinion. His hand was partially raised as he held a stoic face on the outside, his eyes were sharp and somewhat tilted, making it seem as though he had a permanent glare. But, although that was how he looked on the outside, on the inside, he was dying of embarrasment.

'I just wanna sink into the ground and die.. Stop looking at me damn it!' Y/N internally had tears pricking from the corners of his eyes as his cheeks where flushed from embarrassment, a total contrast to how he looked externally.

"Is that all? Then, please step up to the Dark Mirror.. This ceremony has already gone on longer than I intended.. My, I need to get back to my novel- ehem work.." Crowley told Y/N as he trailed off, gesturing towards the Mirror that he had seen sort the rest of the students.

"Right.." Y/N turned towards the Dark Mirror and walked up to it with long strides, easily closing the distance between him and the mirror. 'Honestly.. What have I done to deserve this? I haven't had any social interactions with people in a year and then this is sprung onto me. Just great..'

"Haa.." Y/N sighed as though Crowleys request was a hastle, well, that was how it seemed to the students who made way for him.

"Whoa.. I got shivers just from him walking past me.." -Student A

"Right? What's up with his height too.. It's like he's some kinda giant.." -Student B

"He totally dismissed the headmaster with that sigh didn't he?" -Student C

The misunderstanding continued to spread across the sea of students in waves, all making their own theories about Y/N. 'All I did was sigh and they're already making their own judgments, amazing..' Y/N shook his head as he now stood infront of the Dark Mirror, staring into the dark where a reflection should of been.

A face had shown up in the mirror, startling Y/N quite a bit before a staring contest between the two ensued, ending once the Dark Mirror finally spoke.

"State Your Name"

"..Y/N" He responded, wondering if he should have said the vessels name instead of his own.


"The nature of your soul..."

Y/N stood there in the rather.. awkward silence as the face in the mirror seemed to frown. Why it was making such an expression, he wasn't sure.


"...I do not have the ability to decide."
"What did you just say?" Crowley asked, rather surprised at the statement. The black carriage choosing a student that could not even be sorted?

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