Chapter 39 "Cupcake?"

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AShlynn's Pov:


I heard Felix yell from somewhere in the house. Ah what a fun thing to wake up to.

I grabbed a pillow and pressed it to my ear, mumbling a few colorful words under my breath.

After about 10 minutes of tossing and turning, I sighed and opened my eyes, squinting them because of the sharp sunlight seeping into my room.

Fucking sleep couldn't come back to me. Bitch.

I lazily got out of the bed to brush my teeth and slipped on a baggy hoody on top of my night suit. Then I headed downstairs  where I could hear all this dramatic commotion going on.

"What kinda psychotic bitches are you guys? Who the fuck yells at the top of their lungs this early in the morning" I muttered as I walked into the living room adjoining the open kitchen.

Ace was sitting on the couch, trying to solve a-
What -

He was trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle and I swear the box said 'ages 3+'.

Ah guess he finally bought something applicable for his age.

Christopher was sitting beside him, guiding him through this seemingly impossible task. What can I even say.

Viola had this huge ass Nerf gun in her hands, pointed towards one of the cabinets that Felix was hiding behind. I blinked twice to ensure that this was all real, and not a fragment of my unhealthy imagination.

"Morning? It's half past one in the afternoon, idiot." Ace said from where he was sitting, his eyebrows furrowed as he couldn't figure out where to place the piece in his hand.

"What. Why didn't you wake me up." I asked, pouring some coffee from the kettle into my mug and wrapping my cold hands around the warm thing.

"I tried to, but then Ace gave me that glare he gives someone when they steal his cookies." Felix stated while rolling his eyes. May I mention he was still hiding behind the cabinet.

It'd been a few weeks since I last saw him, but it looked like it's been way longer.


Because he looked fucking ripped. No I'm not joking and I'm not fan-girling over here. Just stating facts. Like damn.

"What steroids are you on bro"

"The fuck? None dude." He rolled his eyes and shook his head.
I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head towards the side, as if telling him that I'm not buying his shit.

"Just because I'm ripped and look like a friggin GOD doesn't mean I'm on steroids" he boasted, looking so proud of himself.

"Yet you're scared of your little sister holding a Nerf gun. And you're not Chris Hemsworth or something, so save it." I smiled, amused by his change in behaviour.

"I'm just gonna ignore the last part you said and come straight to the point. Little sisters are scary as shit man. They are little demons, I'm not even kidding. Ask anyone." He shrugged, his eyes widening in horror as Viola sprinted towards him and shot him right between the eyes.


"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE-" he yelled, getting up from his place behind the cabinet and going after Viola, who was alright running around the living room and sticking her toung out.

And thus began the cat and mouse chase for the next half an hour, until they both fell to the ground, panting and sweating.

"Nah, but I gotta agree with the big guy over here. Y'all really are little demons" Ace stated after cheering for completing his puzzle.

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