Chapter 3 God how dramatic are these people

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The Next day~

(Ashlynn's outfit)

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(Ashlynn's outfit)

Ash's Pov-

So I'm in my last class right now Which is history by the way, not that I am paying any attention anyways because I find history very boring. Also , I don't really need to study this stuff again as I've already finished high school, because according to them children do no need to waste their childhood for an education. So because of Them I've already graduated high school like 4 years ago now. Anyways, let's not think about that right now.

As I was saying, I'm in my last class right now. And after this, I'm supposed to go to the principal's office because father dearest is gonna come pick me up and then we're gonna fly to New York together. How fun. I know. *Rolls eyes*. Well, he better be ready for the storm that's bout to hit him.

20 mins later~

Currently, I'm sitting in the principal's very uncomfortable office. The principal keeps glancing at me time to time with looks of pity. Huh guess somebody told the bastard about Mark's death. It's getting rather annoying now. If there's something I hate the most in this world , it's pity. Except for my biologicals and them ofcourse.

Just when I'm about to say something about it, the door to the office opens and two men , wearing black suits walk in. One of them looks like he's in his mid twenties and the other one looks like he's on the elder side.

Yeah people, you guessed it right. These two gentlemen who think they're very intimidating, but actually look like fools are my oldest brother and father. Lucian and Alexander Dobrev Aka the underboss and Don of the American Mafia.

On the inside, my heart was racing like a thousand miles per hour but on the outside, I kept my face stone cold and emotionless. Alexander was the first one to break the silence and speak up.

"Hello Ashlynn" He said with a warm smile while gazing into my cold eyes.

Ew. My name sounds like poison coming from his mouth.

I just stared right back at him with dead eyes and nodded my head once in acknowledgement.

I could see a flash of hurt in his eyes for a second before he regained his posture. I internally scoffed. What? Did he really expect me to just jump into his arms and hug him like he did not abuse, torment and sell me when i was 5? Uh. I think not. Idiot.

Lucian's pov~

Today, I'm gonna meet my baby sister after 11 years. I am very excited and kind of nervous. I mean what if she hates us? What if she hates me? Pfft I'm thinking too much. Ofcourse she won't hate us. She won't even remember anything.

I understand now that it was not her fault that mom died while giving birth to her and we may have been partial with her. But I was naive and young at the time and I needed somebody to blame. But i still refuse to understand why she would Destroy our mother's paintings and beat her twin up.

That is when we sent her to a boarding school owned by our cousin. But after a year, She ran away from it and we never saw her again. I understand that we weren't very close to her but Alfie on the other hand was broken to pieces. He couldn't believe his sweet little baby sister would leave him like that and run away. They both were inseparable for god's sake.

2 hours later~

Me and dad just walked into the school's office to come and get out precious little princess back. I see a girl with beautiful chest length black hair with raven highlights sitting with her black towards us. She turns around at the faint sound of the door and looks at us. That's when I see her gorgeous electric blue eyes for the first time in 11 years.

But the only difference is, they don't hold the same sweetness and innocense in them anymore. Instead, they are just .......... Blank.

I know how excited dad was to get his Little baby back but she is just looking at him with an emotionless face. That's gotta hurt.

Ash's Pov-

Ok, so it's been like 15 minutes since they walked in and they've been staring at me expectantly ever since. It's getting quite irritating now.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I snapped at them after finally having enough.

The principal , who was shaking in fear at this point, looked at me like I had grown 3 heads when I snapped at these 'intimidating' people. I just rolled my eyes while Alexander signed the forms and completed the formalities.

After that, Lucian told me to follow him and Alexander. I did that and we ended up in their car . Ok now don't get me wrong, I'm definitely a more of motorbikes person but this is a good ass looking car. I'll give them for that.

The 20 minutes silent drive to the airport was .... well awkward would be an understatement. Nevertheless, the moment we walked into the airport, all the guards bowed down in fear and respect. Perks of owning the airport I guess. But my lame excuse of a father thought that they were bowing at him , so he waved them off. Uh. Like i said, buch of wannabe's. I internally rolled my eyes and nodded at the guards to which they nodded back respectfully.

Ultimately, we ended up in their private jet. Now, i know they have a private jet because they own a mafia and they're rich bla bla bla. But, if somebody didn't know about that, they'd be stunned right?

So, that's exactly why i decided to play dumb and stare at the jet as if I've never seen anything like it before , still keeping my face blank ofcourse. No way in the nine realms (anybody get this reference???) Are they getting any emotion Outta me. They do not deserve it.

"Like the plane Ash?" My oh so dear brother asked with a sly smirk on his face.

I glared at him in return. Who the hell gave him the right to call me Ash. Only and ONLY my real family can call me that. Not this pathetic excuse of a biological family.

"It's Ashlynn" i said bitterly.

He nodded in understanding but the hurt and sadness on his face was clear. God how dramatic are these people.

Andd that's the third chapter y'all!!

I know the story is going a little slow , but i promise their will be the whole family in the next chapter and it'll be hella more interesting!

Thankyou and have a wonderful day you lovely people <3


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