Chapter 30 History repeating itself

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Ashlynn's Pov~

It's been about a week since everyone in the house got to know who I really am, and things have been..... interesting.

Whenever I walk into a room, everyone goes silent and visibly stiffen up.

Then they look at me like I'm a ticking time bomb that'll go off at any given moment.

I know, talk about being dramatic.

Carlos has been living with us since we got back and has made his own personal vendetta to get on my nerves.

Like seriously, yesterday he threw a huge fit just because I got home a little late at night. Does he really think that's new?

Then he compared me to Charlotte and how she always follows the house rules and is an absolute angel.

In return, I compared him to an old rotten potato sack that smelled and should be thrown out as it was totally useless.

After that, I showed him the finger and walked out of the room casually, while he just stood there with his face red as a tomato.

I'm not sure if the redness was from the anger or the embarrassment, but it was one hell of a view to laugh at.

Also, a few days ago Charlotte found out about the Mafia or the 'family business' as they call it. Well, it was kind of hard to hide after everything that's happened.

When I tell you she FREAKED OUT.

It was hilarious.

First she over-dramatically gasped with her hands cupped on her mouth, and then sat on the couch, her eyes wide as saucers and then started to cry.

Yeah, like with actual tears and stuff.

While everybody was trying to comfort her shaking form, I was just standing in the corner, trying not to laugh my ass off. Like seriously, what's there to CRY!

At one point, I actually let a chuckle escape my lips and the glares I got in return were enough to make a grown man piss his pants.

But it just made me laugh more.

These people can't actually do shit other than empty threats or like I mentioned, glare.

The little demon also found out about the Death Squad and how they're the most powerful group in the underworld.

She looked scared at first but when she was informed that I was a part of that group, she turned towards me, her red puffy eyes showing nothing but hate on the outside.

But I looked right through her and knew exactly how terrified she actually was. Her lips trembled and her hands shook, but her eyes narrowed at me accusingly.

She got on her feet and pointed her shaky finger towards me. "You. YOU DID THIS TO ME." She yelled, referring to the minor injuries she had from when William kidnapped them.

I laughed - a maniac kind of laugh- and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Nope. No I didn't. I really wish I had though." I spoke calmly after regaining myself, showing everyone that I meant every word.

"You think you're so high and mighty. Well, time to get off the throne and rip the crown off. News flash, you're not. I'm sure my family can easily bring doom on you and that little sloppy group of yours. They don't do that just because they pity you as you're just a weak little girl who grew up without a family." She screeched, as if threatening me.

I'm pretty sure she expected me to get mad but I did the exact opposite. I know better than to listen to the spoilt brats who were created only to waste the oxygen on this planet.

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