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Lilith's POV:
    It sure was hilarious watching Hui Jie panic helplessly just now. She should have seen the look on her face. I grinned slightly and got off the bus.
    We all gathered at the entrance of the park, where a slender man in his mid-thirties greeted us.
    "Good morning students, my name is Amon and I'll be your guide for today," he said steadily, his sharp eyes scanning the bunch of us like an x-ray machine.
    He then went on a rant about the importance of preserving wildlife and how elephants were on the brink of extinction. This man sure does love his elephants. I zoned out for the entire duration of the talk and fidgeted with my hair. Gosh, it was so stuffy here, and people kept bumping into me with their sweaty arms. Just thinking about their sweat getting onto me made my skin crawl with displeasure. As I stood there in silent agony imagining all the germs that must have transferred to me from others, Hui Jie suddenly nudged me.
    "Come on," she urged, leading me behind the class as we walked along an array of elephant enclosures.
    The walk was exhausting. The only thing I remembered was my foot sinking into a puddle of mud. The sickening squelch was enough to make me pass out from disgust. And what's worse, my shoes were completely ruined! I let out a low, frustrated grunt as I hopped over to the nearest bench and sat down.
    "It's not that bad," Hui Jie said as she knelt, wiping my shoes with wet wipes.
    "It is! This pair of shoes are limited edition!" I whined.
    "Then maybe you should stop bringing branded goods everywhere you go!" Hui Jie snapped.
    Standing up, she discarded the dirty wipe and walked off.
    "Let's go," she muttered.
    We trudged on in the blistering heat, and at one point I became so tired that my ears started to tune out whatever Amon was saying by themselves. Imagine the relief I felt when the walk finally ended, and the bus arrived to sweep us back to the hotel.
    On the bus back, I was so worn out that I dropped dead the moment I sat down on the seat. Time seemed to pass fast enough because soon I felt the bus skid to a stop. I opened my eyes slowly to avoid being blinded by the light. Hey, that's weird... I was leaning on something. I cocked my head to the side and jumped. I had been laying on Hui Jie's shoulder this whole time. I felt my heartbeat become more rapid.
    "What?" she grumbled.
    I pursed my lips.
    "Nothing," I said.
    Pushing past her, I exited the bus.

Her^2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon