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This is our 2022 Christmas Collections in the Cressida Giveaway Shop! Want to know what gifts will be included in this giveaway?

🍪 Gingerbread Graphics — ten amazing covers made by our talented graphic designers

🎁 Tinsel Themes — twelve themes of various idols and characters

🦌 Blitzen Bios — eight beautiful bio templates to choose from

🍬 Candy Cane Carrds — six aesthetic carrd templates of choice

🎅 Santa Stories — twelve unique story ideas in the form of blurbs written by our creative writers

☕️ Hot Chocolate Combos — several combinations of covers and stories that go together (coming later)

If you're interested, each batch of gifts above will be released on Christmas Eve (December 24th) at 6:00 PM Indian Standard Time. Be ready at that time to claim some graphics, themes, bios, carrds, and stories! Until then...

If you want the chance to claim gifts for our next giveaway collection BEFORE they are released, participate in our tag fest in the comments here! If you tag the most valid users here, you will be given access to the works for our next giveaway before they are released to everyone else, and you can choose first without any random selection! Does that interest you? Then tag away in the comments! Here are the rules for tag fests. (If you break them, you could be disqualified from winning the tag fest.)

🎄 Do not tag deleted accounts
🎄 Do not tag anyone who has explicitly told you that they do not like to be tagged
🎄 Do not tag the same person more than once
🎄 If someone contacts you saying they do not want to be tagged, apologize, respect that, and do not tag them again in a tag fest
🎄 If you were tagged here, welcome! Do consider participating on the given time and date!

Cressida Giveaway Shop [ CLOSED ]Where stories live. Discover now