God Save the Queen

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I felt lightheaded when I went into school on Monday. I wasn't sure if it was my normal pregnancy dizziness or the fact that my head was still spinning from this weekend. Me? Prom Queen? It felt like a dream, still.

I was sitting at a blue table in the Watson Cafeteria, which was just for the juniors and seniors. The freshmen and sophomores ate in the Violet Cafeteria downstairs. And no, it wasn't purple. Our school colors were green and black. Why would the cafeteria be purple?

Ah. Pregnancy brain. Anyway, I was sitting in the Watson Cafeteria with Karen and Nassi, who were both chowing down on our school's breakfast pizza. I was sticking with the chocolate candy bar I got out of the vending machine.

The three of us were just chilling, as usual, before homeroom started. We were talking about the latest episode of Friends and Karen, again, was trying to prove that Rachel and Ross were a good couple. She was nuts. Who in their right mind would root for Ross and Rachel?

"Jen, there you are," I heard a voice say.

I turned and saw the face of someone who I never thought would talk to me. It was Alexa Taylor. The Alexa Taylor who lost to me at prom.

"Oh, hey Alexa," I said, trying not to sound awkward. "Sorry you and everyone else lost to me at prom. I legitimately don't know why I was nominated."

"That's what I'm here to talk to you about," she said. I saw her look around the room, then raise the hood of her sweatshirt. I felt so embarrassed. Someone of her status couldn't bear to be seen talking to someone like me. "I just got done with an emergency student council meeting."

"What? This early?" I asked.

She nodded. "There were a lot of angry students, and parents, demanding a recount for this weekend."

"What a load of crap! Jen and Ollie won fair and square! They had the most votes!" Karen said.

"A lot of parents called and said their kids were 'just kidding' and wanted a chance to vote again seriously. A lot of people were upset with the results," Alexa said.

"Then they shouldn't have voted for them then! You vote for the person you want to win!" Karen said, her face turning redder and redder.

"Karen, it's okay. I didn't deserve to win anyway," I said.

"Hey, don't say that, Jen," Nassi said.

"You deserved to be there, just like everybody else!" Karen said.

"No, I didn't. I'm not involved in any extracurriculars because I have to work all the time, and I'm only in honors classes, not AP," I said.

"I'm literally on Student Council. None of that matters. It's about getting enough people to vote you in as a candidate. Five years ago, Bubbles got voted in as a candidate," Alexa said.

"Uh, Bubbles?" I asked.

"The goldfish in the tank by the front office," Alexa said.

"The fish has a name?" Nassi said.

"Wait, since when did we have a goldfish?" Karen asked.

"Yes, and for the past two years," Alexa said. "Nevermind all that. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, Jen."

"Honestly, if you're so embarrassed to be seen with us, I'm surprised you're even telling her," Karen said, an edge to her voice.

"Karen, stop," Nassi and I said at the same time.

"Honestly, my older cousin got pregnant in her senior year of high school, so I kind of...know what it's like. It was really tough for her," Alexa said, getting up. "You'll...probably want to bring back your crown and your sash."

She quickly whisked herself away before we could say anything else. The three of us looked at eachother, all exchanging glances.

"Wow. What a complete and utter bitch. I bet she made that whole thing up and she's using her powers as VP of student council to re-do the votes. She's salty because she came in last," Karen said, taking a sip of the iced-tea in her hand.

"Wait, how did you know she came in last?" Nassi asked.

"I may or may not have disguided myself and created a fake personal to sneak into one of the school's many secret, gossip-filled chatrooms," she said.

"I don't want to know," Nassi said, shaking her head.

I sighed. "Whelp, there goes our win. This sucks. I know I didn't want to be nominated, but it feels really good to be Prom Queen. I'm seventeen and pregnant, and my grandma had to move to assisted living. It's good to have something positive in my life."

The first bell suddenly rang. On our way out of the cafeteria, I felt something wet and gross hit the back of my neck. I grabbed it to see what it was.

"Ugh, gross! Seriously?" I said, looking around to find the culprit who launched the spitball at me, but the hallway was too crowded.

I made it to my locker and saw that it was covered in more post-it notes than usual. Typically I had ones that said "slut" or "skank" or "whore." But today's were different. They said "rigged" and "fraud" and "cheater."

How am I a cheater? I literally didn't even want to be nominated!

I shook my head, tore down all the notes, and unlocked my locker. When I went to pull up on the handle, my fingers got into something sticky. It was a piece of bright pink gum, hidden right where I wouldn't be able to see it.

"Whoever you are, I literally hate you!" I said into the hallway full of people.

The bathroom closest bathroom was down the hall, the opposite of my homeroom. I sighed, hearing the bell ring as I walked down the hallway, now late, with my fingers full of pink gum. God, if you can hear me, please save me right now. 

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