Good and Bad

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Grandpa let me stay home on Monday. I was hoping that would cool down some of the rumors that were probably spreading like a bad stomach virus through VHHS. I honestly wish I could've hid in my room with my teen magazines forever, but it wasn't happening.

"Jen, you should come out of there," Grandpa said, knocking on my door.

I paused the VHS tape playing on my TV and put down my bag of chips, wiping off my hands on the nearest tissue. I groaned and opened the door. Grandpa had a big smile on his face.

"Oh, cheer up, would 'ya?" he said to me. "I got something that'll turn that frown upside down."

"I highly doubt that. The only thing I need that would make me smile right now is another bag of chips," I said.

"I got those at the store, too."

"Oh...nice!" I said, running past him.

"Wait, wait, wait!" he said. I stopped halfway down the stairs and turned around. "Let me just show you this really quick."

I sighed and walked up the stairs, then followed my grandpa into the tiny third bedroom that we used as an office/junk room. It had one window that faced the front of the house, where the desk and computer were. The desk was always covered with papers and bills. There were tall, oak bookshelves full of Grandpa's encyclopedias and Grandma's novels she used to love reading. My old toys were tossed throughout the room.

"It looks like the junk room," I said.

"You don't notice anything new?" he asked.

I looked over at the corner and saw a different box next to the Christmas tree bag. I walked over and covered my mouth with my hands, which still smelled of salt and vinegar from all the chips I was eating.

"Grandpa, why did you buy a crib? We don't even have this room cleared out yet!" I said.

"It was on sale! Did you think you got your great shopping sense out of nowhere?" he asked.

I chuckled. "Thanks, Grandpa. This is really great."

I went back to school the next day. I tried to hide my belly under the larger sweaters I had, but I knew it would be warming up soon, and I was only going to get bigger.

When I walked into A-wing, where my locker was, the hallway was so loud. Then, once I got halfway down the hall, you could hear a pin drop. I felt like all those stares were going to kill me. People were craning their necks, looking around me, trying to get a good angle in the middle of the crowd so they could get a look at my baby bump, which was pretty well hidden under my winter coat.

I hung up my coat in my locker and quickly ran downstairs to the band room, where I knew Ollie was. He hugged me as soon as he saw my face. Someone walking past the room saw me and yelled, "Slut!"

"I don't understand. How can they call me a slut when I've literally only had one partner? There's so many people here who sleep all over the place!" I said to him.

"I don't know, babe. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Just be strong," he said.

"I don't want to even be here anymore. I haven't even gone to homeroom yet and it's already starting!"

"I know. I know. It'll be okay."

"Will it, though? I have three and a half more months of this!" I said.

"And you'll get through it. I know you will. Just don't let them get to you, Jen. You know you're not a slut or a whore or whatever name they want to call you."

I sniffled, wiping away my tears. "Thanks, Ollie. I'm so glad I have you."

"Likewise." He put his hand on my baby bump. "Only six days left!"

"I know. That ultrasound can't get here fast enough."

I did my best to keep my head up the rest of the week. There were still stares, whispers, and the occasional name-calling wherever I went. During lunch on Thursday, Karen gave me some suggestions for some spicy comebacks to yell in response if people really started to get on my nerves. Never underestimate the wrath of someone who is hormonal and pregnant.

I had a weekend of watching Annie while Mary went out with a different "special friend" than last week, along with helping my grandparents clean out the junk room. It was more productive than I wanted it to be.

I dealt with a lot of name-calling on Monday, but thankfully it was only going to be a half-day for Oliver and I. We left school right before lunch to go to my ultrasound. I was so excited, but nervous at the same time. Especially since it was Oliver's first time driving me with his brand-new license.

We walked into Dr. Andrew's office and checked in. A nurse called me in for my ultrasound a few minutes later. She introduced herself as Megan and had me lay down on the table, then lift up my sweater.

"Okay, let's see how baby's looking. Any questions or concerns?" Megan asked.

"Just excited to see what it is," Oliver said.

"Hopefully they'll be in a good position and we can find out," Megan said.

I cringed as she squirted the cold jelly over my sixteen-and-a-half week baby bump. She turned the machine towards me and started pinpointing one area, pressing down a little harder than I would've liked.

"Okay, beautiful! There's your baby!" Megan said.

I was so shocked. The baby looked like a little gummy bear at my first ultrasound. Now it had legs and arms. I could even see a cute little nose along the profile of its face. Oliver took my hand. I couldn't believe we were really capable of making something like that.

"That's amazing," I said, trying to find the right words when really, I felt so speechless.

"I'm going to see if I can take a look down here," Megan said, moving the wand over my belly. "Oh, perfect. This is exactly the shot we want." She zoomed in on the area, which I think was the baby's little butt. "Do you guys know what it is?"

I put my hand over my mouth. It was obvious. I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself.

"I'm so confused...I can't see anything," Oliver said.

I laughed. "That's the point, Ollie! The baby doesn't have anything down there."

"You're correct!" Megan said with a smile. "Congrats. It's a girl!" 

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