Whore on the Dance Floor

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"Now don't have too much fun shopping, alright?" Grandpa told me as I grabbed my purse. He handed me a hundred dollar bill and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. "This is for your dress and something for Annie, got it?"

"Yes sir!" I said, stuffing it in my wallet and heading out the door. "I'll be back in a few hours."

"Bye. See you then!" he shouted as I went out the door.

I walked next door and rang the doorbell. I wasn't excited to have Annie come shopping with my friends and I, but I was excited to be getting paid for it. Annie swung the door open, dressed to the nines in her new leopard-patterned coat with a matching beret winter hat.

"Hey girlfriend! You ready for the mall?" she asked, a hint of sass to her voice.

"Oh, look at you! You look totally cute, Annie!" I said, doing my best to play along.

I knew she was really excited, but also really nervous to go shopping with us "big girls." She wanted to fit in so badly.

"Hey Jen! Be right there!" Mary said, coming by the door.

I got into her car with Annie and we drove to the mall. Mary dropped us off by the main entrance while she went across the street to the Obsidian: the notorious, very fancy restaurant where she was having dinner with a "friend from work."

I didn't want to judge her for not only pinning Annie on me, but also dating when her husband died literally a few months ago. But I was doing it anyway. It really just didn't feel right to me, but it wasn't my life. She could make her own decisions, good or bad.

I walked with Annie upstairs to the food court, where Karen and Nassi were drinking smoothies at a nearby table. I waved to them.

"Hey ladies," said Karen.

"You've heard me talk about my friends Karen and Nassi before, right?" I said to Annie. She nodded. "Guys, this is Annie, live and in person. She's here as my official fashion consultant today."

"Right!" Annie said proudly. "Where are we going first?"

"Well," Karen said, "we need to get dresses, so we're going to the deb!"

When we walked up to that store downstairs, Annie's little face lit up. The deb was a teen store. They didn't even sell clothes for kids. I found a place to sit down with Nassi since my back was bothering me.

"You're going to wear the dress your parents picked out?" I asked her.

"Look, I can't believe they're actually letting me go to a dance. This is a big deal," she said. "How many days until your next ultrasound now?"

"Ten days! I can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl," I said, rubbing my bump.

I was fifteen weeks along, and it was still a big secret at school. I was hoping to find a dress for the Valentine's Dance that would keep my bump hidden. I wanted to go all out for the Valentine's Dance since I probably wouldn't be going to junior prom. I'd be seven months pregnant by then. There was no way I could go.

Karen came back with Annie a little while later. Annie was holding a long, red dress that was dragging on the floor.

"Annie has her pick for you, Jen," Karen said.

"This one! It's perfect!" Annie said, handing me the gown.

It was a maroon-colored dress with lace sleeves. I smiled. One of the very few things I had in common with Annie was how we had the same favorite color.

"Well, I guess I have to go try this on!" I said, getting up.

I headed towards the dressing room and took a stall next to Karen. We put our dresses on and decided we'd make a big entrance, both coming out at the same time. Nassi counted backwards from three with Annie. Karen and I opened the curtains, striking a pose in our dresses. Karen had a short, silver dress with pink bows as the sleeves.

"Gorgeous!" Annie said.

"Wow, you look really hot, Karen!" I said, immediately covering my mouth with my hands. "I-I mean...I didn't think something like that was your style."

"After what people called me last year when I wore my favorite pants suit...I'm just gonna go with a dress," she said. "I'm glad we went a few sizes up for your dress. It looks good on you."

"You guys think so? You can still see the bump though," I said, looking in the mirror across the way.

"Not much, though," Nassi said.

"Yeah. You look a little bit like you're fat, but not like you're pregnant!" Annie said.

I crossed my arms. "Thanks...I guess."

"That was quick. I think we're done, huh?" Nassi asked.

"Yeah. One and done!" Karen said.

We took our dresses up to the register, then brought Annie to her favorite store, the Limited Too, where I bought her a "bedroom doorbell" and a bracelet with cat charms on it. After that, we grabbed a snack from the food court. I promised Mary that I'd have Annie get a salad or wrap, but my money, my rules. We all got pizza instead. She didn't have to know.

The next night was Saturday, so it was time for the Valentine's dance. I put on my dress and curled my hair. I took a look at myself in the mirror that hung over the back of my door. Depending on the way I was standing, my bump was visible.

I heard a honking and looked out the window. Karen waved from the window of her twenty-year-old VW bus. I was really hoping her parents would let her borrow their brand new SUV so we could roll up to the dance in style...but no.

I ran downstairs, grabbed my coat, and got into the back since Nassi was sitting shotgun. After that, we went to pick up Oliver, who looked super cute in his matching maroon shirt and black tie. He even got a corsage for me.

We parked the car once we got to VHHS, then went into the gym. The music was booming as Destiny's Child's Survivor blasted throughout the gym. Baby seemed to like it, giving me those little fluttering motions I loved so much.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's tear up the dance floor!" I said.

We found a spot next to some of Ollie's marching band friends to get our groove on. Karen and I tried to show poor Nassi some moves. We were having a great time, even though I really wished I didn't wear heels. If only you could wear slippers to these things. My feet were killing me.

When we went out into the hallway to grab some punch and some other snacks, I noticed three girls looking over and snickering. I recognized them. All cheerleaders. I didn't know the two on the ends, but the one in the middle was Brenda.

"Wow, so I guess the rumors about you are true, aren't they?" she asked.

I damn near spit out all my punch...into the communal punch bowl.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Hey, just ignore them," Ollie said, putting his arm around me. "Come on. Let's go back and dance some more."

"Psh. What a whore," Brenda said under her breath. "It's true! You're definitely pregnant!"

I froze. There were so many other people out in the hallway who just heard that. All eyes were on me. It was officially doomsday. The whole school was going to find out I was pregnant. 

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