Chapter 24

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After a while of trying to get Alice to talk to you and sitting at her door waiting for her to leave plus the comparison of you as J.D. and Alice of Veronica, you gave up. Alice has always been annoyingly stubborn but that's what you loved about her.

"I'm getting tired of making the same references so you're going to watch another musical with me!" He grabbed your hand and lightly dragged you alone. Before you could ask what you were watching he answered "Ride the Cyclone! It's my go-to musical if I'm feeling down."

It was true the night Leo killed Theo after he gave the body to Reese he put on Ride the Cyclone. He sang the songs feeling better every second it played. Of course, it didn't completely help. No amount of teenagers dying in a roller coaster accident could heal the memories that echoed in his head.

He led you to his room where he told you to sit on his bed. His room was just a blank guest room. The walls were a light grey with two windows with blackout curtains filtering the light that entered. It was a decent-sized room nothing too big with the bed taking up half the room. It was in the middle with the backboard pressed up against the wall with a space between it and the left side of the bed. It was enough space for the nightstand. While on the right there was an open space with his dresser and a bookshelf next to it.

"How do you even find these musicals?" You asked.

"Every theater kid knows if there's something you want to look up like Six you look up Six slime tutorial. In this case, it was roller coaster safety PSA. Well, it got taken off youtube but I saved it to my drive." He pulled out a laptop. "Now whenever I would introduce Theo to a musical we would make a blanket fort. I know it was childish but it was a nice memory we shared."

He studied your face for a change of emotion at the mention of his brother. You had already shoved everything from the previous days deep down inside you and locked them up in a cage. He wasn't going to get a big reaction out of you.

"Not a lot we can use but I do have an idea but it probably won't be the most comfortable." You got off his bed. He nodded to show he was listening. "This crack in between the wall and the bed is good and it's nice since your floor is carpet just going to be a little cramped"

He nodded in agreement and you set up the fort. You just put some pillow against the wall to give padding and covered your heads with a blanket as Leo put the laptop in between you two so you both could watch.

After you watched it you two decided who would be who. You both agreed instantly that Reese was Ocean. High achiever and thinks he's smarter than everyone. That sounds like them both. Except Ocean had some character development Reese had none.

The rest was a debate but you ultimately decided Alas was Noel minus the gay part. Who knows maybe he was a French hooker in post-war France in his dreams. Misha was Xander. He was the closest thing to the angriest out of the group and who isn't scared of Xander?

This is where it got confusing but you guys put Jasper as Ricky. No way would Leo want to fuck a planet full of cat people and Jasper probably would take the chance if given to him. Well, he did fail at the one commandment in his religion which was to not be a dick. Trapping your sister in a home to keep her away from people that would take her away is a dick move.

Constance was Leo. No way is he the nicest girl in town. But he wasn't a Jane Doe so you went with the other options.

"Noe I think you're Jane Doe. Well, might become one if you don't escape." He said.

"Ok then. I just had an amazing idea. What if we made the kings into Heathers." You proposed the idea. He agreed and you started figuring out who was who.

Heather Chandler was Atlas. They are both the ones in control. Reese was Veronica. Blue hair blue outfit they were meant to be. Plus they were both good at writing. Leo was Heather McNamara let's be honest here is any theater kid mentally stable? You both agreed on this one Jasper was Duke. Leo would have never agreed at the start of the year but with everything happening now he started to realize Jasper wasn't a good person.

I have been thinking about the Heathers as kings idea for a month. And now I'm just imagining them in the Heather's outfits.

This is not foreshadowing anything. Atlas is not dying. Him as Chandler doesn't mean he's going to drink drain cleaner and die. I repeat this is not foreshadowing anything.

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