Chapter 12

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On the walk to school, it was quiet. You prefer it this way before Nate told people you two were siblings. Now that you got used to Nate ranting about your horrible parents you dread the walk to and from school.

"(Y/n) I wonder how you're so lucky in cards yet do unlucky in real life." Reese's voice taunted you.

"Reese shut up for once in your fucking life." You groaned.

"Someone's in a bad mood."

"I'm sorry that the little kingy hasn't experienced pain before. Can you just leave me alone?"

"Fine be boring like that." He walked away. You took in a deep breath and continued with your routine. The day continued normally. At least until you got off school.

You and your friends had plans to go to a cafe you all like and then go to Hazel's house after. Then you saw your mother standing outside of their car. The same man you know as your father standing next to her.

You sped up hoping, praying they didn't see you. Unfortunately, as Reese said you only had luck in cards. Your mother noticed you first and then pointed you out to your father. When you saw him stomping towards you, you knew you were dead.

"(Y/n) what are you doing?" He said with a stern voice.

"I actually have friends that I like to hang out with. I have you ask why you and mother are here." You asked back.

"Well continue this talk when we aren't in public." He glared at the people walking by. He grabbed your wrist and brought you to the car.

"(Y/n) you look different than when we last saw you." Your Mother greeted you with a smile.

"Yeah, you've been gone for a year and haven't even bothered talking to us." You glared at your parents. Your father shoved you in the car. You put your seatbelt on and leaned against the now-closed door.

"We need to talk about you and Nate." Your father said in his usual voice.

"If you mean to shame him, I'm not listening." You looked out the window with a scowl as your father started driving.

Your father ignored that statement and continued talking "You are slowly turning into him, with your friends. Successful people don't have friends, that's why Nate was the disappointment."

"Long story short is that we are worried about what he did to you while we were gone. You had just been giving more rude responses." Your mother cut you, father, short.

"He did nothing. You just love blaming all of your problems on innocent Nate." You took in a deep breath. "Do you ever consider that I just changed?"

They stayed quiet until you got home. "We're signing you up for extra classes. We got to make sure your grades stay up." Your mother smiled.

"No. I don't need them. My grades are perfectly fine." You rejected.

"You little brat. After all, we've done you dare say that you don't need extra classes?" He raised his hand and slapped you. Your mother covered her mouth. "Go to your go to your room."

You glared at the monster that calls himself your father before heading to your room. You packed a backpack filled with things you would need to stay the night at someone's house. You quickly texted Hazel "I need to stay the night at your house I'll explain later."

You put on clothes that would keep you warm and went through the window. Despite you being your parent's perfect little girl this isn't your first time sneaking out.

Your father's self-righteousness is suffocating. He'll probably find a way to justify slapping you.

As you ran through the streets dodging people walking past you remembered that today is the day the group decided to let Leo join you three at Hazel's house. You weren't supposed to stay the night but it's happening because of your parent issues.

You knock on the door and Hazel greeted you with a warm smile. "What happened? Your cheeks are red." She asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it." You brushed it off. She sighed "You are a true mystery." She moved out of the door so you could come inside.

The twins were sitting on the couch talking. As soon as Theo noticed he rushed to bombard you with questions. "Who was that? What happened? Why is your cheek red?"

"Don't worry everything's fine." You reassured. You had a feeling that he didn't believe you but he lefts it alone.

"We were planning on watching Heathers. Is that ok with you?" Leo asked. You nodded as he turned on the musical. What can you expect from a theater kid? He sang all the songs word by word.

That night you realized that Leo isn't as bad as you thought. You regret not getting to know him before. The only bad this about him is that he thinks that J.D.'s and Veronica's relationship was healthy. 

(A/n) I'm so sorry again for not updating. For this chapter, there was thousands of way it could have turned out. I finally choose a way for it to end but then my motivation went out the window. Just expect slower updates.

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن