Chapter 11

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This chapter has suicide skip this chapter if you are sensitive to it

Over the break, your admirer still sent cards and notes until you only had four cards left. You thought your admirer was just going to stop but when you arrived back at school the ace of diamonds fell out of your locker. You decided to read the note

My one and only diamond words can not describe my feelings for you. Don't forget that I will always love you and be expecting something for you on the last ace!
The one and only

"Ok, we'll be ready for the last ace," Nate muttered.

"For the last time, it's not a stalking situation. He's probably going to tell me to meet him somewhere and then confess." I calmed him down.

"I still don't have a good feeling about this. You still should be ready for anything." He warned me. I rolled my eyes and stopped myself from making some snarky comment.

At the end of the day you, Hazel, and Theo decided to go out and then sleep over at your house. As you unlock the door a strange feeling coursed through your body. You opened the door quickly to see Nate's body hanging from the ceiling.

Tears started forming in your eyes as the others look in. One of them you're not sure which called the police. The rest of the day was a blur of you trying to figure out why. When everything calmed down you spent hours crying into Hazel's shoulder. They were there to comfort you that whole night.

You didn't go to school for a week and they checked on you every day to make sure you were doing good. Well, as good as you could feel when your brother just killed himself. They were making sure you weren't having thoughts of doing it. You would be lying if it didn't cross your mind one or two times.

The dreaded time came when you had to call your parents and tell them. Their work trip was extended another two months in December but you still had to tell them.

"Hey (Y/n) make this quick we're busy." You mom answered.

"Nate killed himself."


"What do you mean ok?! Your oldest son is dead and you don't even care?"

"It's not going to affect the way things are. We'll send you extra money for his funeral."

"You are just heartless."

"People die every day."

"Oh, so your children die every day?"

"That's not what I me-"

"You know mom. I don't consider you and dad parents. Every time I talk to you, you give me more reasons to hate you."

"You can't say that to your mother! I raised you!"

"Did you now? I could have sworn when we were too little to take care of ourselves you hired nanny after nanny. Then when we were old enough we raised each other."

"We were trying to give you a comfortable life."

"There are other jobs that give a comfortable life without you being away for years on end!"

"These are the only ones we could get."

"You know what would make our lives happier and Nate might still be alive? You being there! You and dad. Ignoring us is almost all he talked about. Do you know how difficult it is to raise yourself?"

"It couldn't be that difficult. You were always a smart child and Nate wa-"

"Don't even say one bad thing about him when you didn't even know what he was like." I hung up after that. I didn't want to hear it.

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now